Saturday, October 30, 2010


 After a 25-year hiatus, Mike has taken up leather tooling again. He set up his work station at the end of the upstairs hallway in the area known as the "east dormer." It had been a sitting area, mostly unused. Mike needed to improve the cramped space so that his tools would be organized. Today we decided to deal with it.
 The first thing we did was bring a small chest of drawers, World War II vintage, out of the attic. Then we moved Grandma Ina's overstuffed rocking chair to the office / den downstairs. Next we moved a small bookcase and its contents of books to the den as well. Then Mike re-arranged the dormer space.
Here's Grandma Ina's trunk where I keep family history items. The big lamp is too large and will be replaced when I find something I like. The table was a family piece that my dad antiqued.
And here's Grandma's chair in the den.

We had the chair reupholstered about 1990. At that time the upholsterer told us that these old rockers are now sought for their comfort. I don't know if having old stuff is a curse or a blessing. KW


  1. Good choices! I like how you decided to rearrange. I can imagine reading a book in the rocking chair downstairs by the window.

  2. The new arrangements look wonderful. Is Mike having fun doing the leather tooling again? I didn't realize he'd stopped. The newly arranged areas truly do look lovely.

  3. I could imagine reading a book in the rocking chair in the east dormer. However, it never happened -- just not practical, I guess.

    Yes, I think Mike enjoys tooling. Like me and my sewing, he has his frustrations, wishes he were better, so on & so forth, etc. etc. I'm not sure he tooled when we lived on Broadview. And now -- wouldn't you know it -- "we've" managed to misplace the belts he made for Mason & Gage.

    We appreciate the compliments.
