Thursday, May 26, 2011


We left the farm last Saturday (May 21) in order to accomplish some things in town -- shopping, exercise, and a P.E.O. meeting. We're also applying to the State of Idaho for "century farm" status, and I spent hours putting together a packet of "proof" that the homeplace has been in continuous cultivation for 100 years (and more). Frankly, I decided years ago that obtaining official century farm status was way too much trouble, but Mike decided we owed it to my grandparents and my dad to try for it. So he started the project during slow times at the office this winter. It's a matter of supplying documentation of ownership and also that at least 40 acres of your family farm have been in continuous cultivation.

Anyway, I have these lovely pictures of Orofino taken from Gilbert Grade last Saturday and wanted to post them before they become totally outdated. Here you see the little town nestled in the valley where Orofino Creek runs into the Clearwater River. And the back country just seems to run on forever.

We have stopped several times at this spot near the top of the grade because Mike was looking for a geocache (what else?). This time he found it. At first he tied onto the Dakota in order to look in a stump downhill, but you know, most people just don't hide caches where it's steep and dangerous. Still -- you never know and if you're an adventurer at heart, you might just take a look-see anyway. Mike said that's where the "cords" took him.

"Why don't you try this stump," I said. "Seems more logical." (See photo right)
"Okay, but that's way off," Mike said, "but here it is."

This picture left shows the Clearwater above Orofino. I love this view.

On Monday I read that the flood watch on the Clearwater had been renewed by the National Weather Service out of Missoula until further notice. Both the Snake and the Clearwater are high. But -- it's still cold. This morning at Gilbert the low was 37, so it froze in the mountains and that slows the run-off. Here's  a picture I took yesterday of mountains to the south of the farm -- the snowy peaks glistening in the afternoon sun. The sun would be warm this time of year -- but the air is cold. KW


  1. Ahhh, the hills of home. They are beautiful! These are wonderful photos--thanks for posting them.

    It's been way cool and damp up here, although it seems a little sun peeks out each day for a while. Certainly not a warm spring...

  2. Great photos! Can't wait to see everything with my own eyes. Tell Nellie that I'm coming!!!

  3. Yes, they are the hills of home, but somehow Orofino as home just doesn't mean what it used to. I guess that's true for all of us when we move and things change.

    I told Nellie Hallie and Nick are coming, and she said, "Hallie and Nick who? I don't even remember where I leave my tennis balls. But when they get here, probably my nose will remember."

  4. The distant view of Orofino could be mistaken for a village in the European Alps. Beautiful scenery.

    My son always has a dog or two and he said that when someone comes to the door, the dogs always think the people are coming just to see them. I'm sure Nellie will jump for joy when Hallie & Nick get there.
