Tuesday, June 28, 2011


A couple of years ago I was pedaling down Miller Road when I happened to spy "the river." I didn't know that we had a view of the river from anywhere on Russell Ridge, and I was a little confused. "Where is this?" I asked on the blog.

Uncle Dan sent word that it was the reservoir. L.J. sent an email: it's the reservoir.

I still didn't understand, but I took their word for it. "If it's the reservoir, then why can't I see the dam?" I wondered to myself. Well, today Nellie and I took a little trip down Miller Road and I stopped at the same spot. This time I could see Dworshak Dam -- and of course, that's the reservoir behind it. See if you can make out the dam in the center of the picture.

Lovely wild roses are everywhere in varying shades of pink. And I found a stand of blackberry bushes along the road as well. KW


  1. Sorry, I can't make out the dam. It's one of those things that you have to know from "being there," I guess.

    Kathy: Did Ina or your mother ever talk about making rose petal sachet?

  2. The dam is obscure. Someday I'll try for a better view.

    Ina wrote on Dec. 21, 1932: "I have dried rose petals two summers so had plenty for three rather small cushions one each to Ethel, Myrtle, and Irl and Bernice." Ina loved the wild roses and in the '30s the family bought her pieces of Homer Laughlin's "Wild Rose" pattern.

    My mother dried rose petals one year and made potpourri. It sat in a jar on the counter in the kitchen for years.

  3. I'm imagining that I see a little grey just between the two pines (they are all pines to me).

    I've decided that a person should not prune a wild blackberry bush. The old dead canes protect the new delicious canes from those darn pesky deer. We'll have to keep an eye on this new patch you found.

  4. Yes -- that's it. I thought it was a sandbar or something like that.

    Today was our second bike / run event (Kathy cycling and Nellie running). I've only been going five miles. Seems to be about right for both of us. (It's not five miles on a flat, remember.)

    I'll watch and see if the blackberries develop fruit.

  5. I see it, but only because I also know what it looks like. Isn't it amazing what can be seen from above?

  6. Yes, it is amazing -- what we can see from above. I took two pictures and the other one doesn't show the dam any better. Vegetation blocks the view somewhat.
