Monday, June 13, 2011


The windmill is repaired and working. It's great to hear the comforting "oom-oom-oom" as the blades turn. 
 To the right -- just one frog in the pond. We have many more -- and some are quite large. Obviously they get enough to eat -- we aren't quite sure what.

I recently added windows to the mouse door.The set was originally designed to be hung on a tree, but I set it at the bottom of the stairway, and that's where it stayed.
Whimsy in a yard is especially appealing. My first thought was to develop my tiny outdoor village in the grove under a big pine tree, but then I realized I wouldn't be able to see it there -- at least, not very often. So I decided to establish my town under the wild rose bramble bush that Hallie and Nick pruned. Such a nice job -- and so nicely raked underneath. Now I can see the little house while I hang the clothes -- and I can even see it from the laundry room.

Here's some country whimsy at the neighbors', the old Plank place. Lilacs and wild roses grow over an old piece of farm equipment -- quite picturesque. Can you believe the lilacs are still in bloom? Such a late spring!
And of course, we can never have too many picture of Nellie. Here she is on point. A Hungarian partridge got up and flew off. "I thought so," said Nell.

(Formatting with a lot of pictures -- what frustration!) KW


  1. I did a lot of work on that rose bush, but it's still not done. Just wait until NEXT spring--it'll REALLY impress!

    I like the mouse house windows.

  2. What fun. Whimsey in the yard. I love it. I've gone way overboard with birdhouses recently. When the house was painted in Feb, I took the old ones down and cleaned them. Then I bought 6 more from Amazon. New ones include an English cottage, lighthouse, and a gulfstream camper. That shiny silver color will surprise the birds.

    Now the mouse door is a new one for me. Never heard of it, but now that I have...I want one. So cute!

    Great job with the photo layout. What would we do without your wonderful pictures on the blog.
