Tuesday, July 5, 2011


"I told dad," said Hallie in her best no-nonsense voice, "that those blocks at the back door have to be replaced with real stairs this year. I don't want the call that you fell and broke your neck carrying the laundry basket to the line." She added that Nick had had experience building steps and they would come to help. The projected date was May.

My grandparents never had real exterior stairs. They used stacked sandstone blocks. And somehow, when we remodeled the house, the steps from the sunroom to the yard were overlooked. So, we stacked sandstone blocks and went on. Over the months we discussed options with Nick, then a contractor, and Mike eventually decided to build wood frame steps and work alone. Sometimes when you're feeling your way along with your own ideas, you just want to work alone. 

And today he finished the project and we're quite proud of it. Admittedly, carpentry isn't Mike's favorite thing, but he persevered and we have steps. And they're so much better than the sandstone blocks.

We haven't seen chipmunks here at the farm in 50 years -- until yesterday. In the top photo, the chipmunk is hiding in the sandstone blocks that Mike is in the process of removing, much to Nellie's frustration. And yes, the chipmunk was quicker than Nellie. KW


  1. Isn't it odd that we just don't see so many things that should be different?
    Well, I got the call that my computer is fixed, so by the weekend I'll be "back on the air"

  2. Those are some very nice steps. They match the house and everything! Did Dad plan it that way? I bet he did!

  3. Very nice steps, and I, too, am grateful that I won't get the call that you broke your neck doing the laundry!!

  4. We bought three "stringers" -- risers -- and Mike stained them with the exterior stain. And the steps are those "decking" boards -- pre-colored. I've been in and out that door all afternoon, and I am pleased with the steps. The top one is level with the floor of the sunroom so that stepping out feels quite secure. But we also agreed that the best thing to do with wet laundry is to carry it out the kitchen door and around, and that's what I've been doing.

  5. Great work Mike! They match the style of the house, too. I'll bet Ina asked for stairs and sadly, as we know, her wishes went unfilled.

    A friend of mine remodeled her kitchen & bathroom years ago. She never got around to putting a toilet paper holder on the wall. It was one of those little last minute things that were never done. I believe that stairs hold a higher level of importance than a TP wall bracket.
