Thursday, October 27, 2011


Tuesday, knowing that Mike and Nellie were due back sometime during the day, I left off my "creative" work and commenced the house work -- you know, vacuuming, dusting, cleaning sinks and counters, and also making supper. As I was vacuuming the living room, I thought I heard a distinct thunk, like a bird hitting a window. I glanced at the sliding glass door but then decided to check out front instead, thinking that maybe the mailman had rapped to announce a package. Nope, nothing at the front door. But I'm easily distracted and willing to follow the thread of a new thought, so I decided to get the mail and forgot all about the thunk.

Sometime later, as I ran errands between the house and the shed, I noticed this little sparrow (I suppose it's a sparrow) sitting on the step at the sliding door. Obviously "she" had mistaken the reflection in the window for an extension of the great outdoors. She was alive but dazed -- not ready to fly. It's not often I get the chance to photograph birds up close, so I grabbed the camera. I spoke softly to her as she attempted to orient herself -- at least, I think that's what she was doing. Then I left her alone and went about my business.

Still later, going about my business and having forgotten all about the little bird, I opened the door. "Skreeeee," the little bird shrieked as she flew off. And I rejoiced that she had recovered and was off to find her own kind.

Yes, Mike and Nellie are back. They seem to think they had a good time in Nevada. KW


  1. Looking forward to the update on the hunting trip...

  2. Hi Richard! Mike just mentioned he wanted to post on his hunt, but he left the photos on the computer in town. So -- first of next week for the great Nevada hunt update.

    Good to hear from you.

  3. It looks like that little bird had TWO unfortunate accidents on your front stoop, if you know what I mean. Poor thing!

  4. Well, you know how it is when your system suffers a blow. I hesitated to take the picture, but it was such a good photo op. I didn't want to upset her further by trying to clean. So -- it is what it is, as they say.

  5. I'm so glad your little birdie survived! We have them hit our big windows all the time and often the results are not as happy. Ann and I have each had a window broken by pheasants! We're talking major hit. Thank goodness for double-paned windows as only the outer one broke in each case.

  6. Wow, Chris! Get out your crock pot. Four hours on high and the meat will fall off the bone to be used in your favorite recipe. (Personally, though, I don't like the leg meat.)

    It's true -- the birds often hit the windows, even here at the farm where the big front windows are shaded by the the front porch. In fact, we had an incident during Elderberry Fest. The hummingbirds do it, too.

  7. Hmmm. Birds vs. windows. Roadkill doesn't seem to be the right word. Would you use "glasskill."

    Great photo. So glad the bird was able to fly away.
