Sunday, November 27, 2011


We have a lot of gray days in our world. We see a lot of clouds in the valley with no precipitation. Ina called them "dull days." Today was one such dull day.

Mike decided Nellie should have a bath today. As intelligent and intuitive as she is, cleanliness is a concept that eludes her. Mike decided to bathe her in the tub, and once she was clean we decided her pillow should be washed, too. Mike brought in one of her old flat pillows while her new fluffy one was being laundered. Clearly she wasn't happy to see that old pillow. She raked it and crumpled it and turned twelve circles trying to make it right. Then she looked at us for an answer. Well, it's all fixed now -- a clean Nellie and a clean pillow.

Knowing of my interest in iris, Ken called me a few weeks back to say that his neighbor was digging out her iris bed and he had two large leaf bags of rhizomes for me . Since I had asked for the rhizomes, I didn't feel I could refuse, though I fought hard not to say, "Yes, but that was last summer!" Little did I expect this would come to fruition in November. I think the time to dig and re-plant iris is July or August or something. Oh well. I went and got the bags even though working in the garden has no appeal for me at this time of year. Today with Mike's help I managed to deal with one of the bags. I decided to just set them in the garden at the foundation of the house where the ground is soft and easy to dig. First we weeded, then we cleaned, trimmed, and clipped the rhizomes before setting them. I even found some bulb fertilizer which I worked into the ground. We'll see. It might all be for naught.

Then we went down to the bike path and were successful in finding a couple of geocaches for which Mike had been searching for some time. We thought the river seemed kinda high.

Well, the annual lighted boat parade was last night, and we missed it. I guess we didn't miss much -- only seven boats participated. KW


  1. I'm impressed that you can squat down and plant those bulbs!! My knees simply won't let me do that... Ouch!

  2. I confess that I was wishing for my kneeling pad -- just didn't want to go get it. It's not my knees, though. It's just that squatting for any length of time really isn't comfortable.

  3. A CLEAN dog--what a treat! That was a busy day. I hope the bulbs make it.
