Saturday, November 19, 2011



One of our credit cards offered a bonus for expenditures Nov. 19-25, so I held off on the week’s grocery shopping until today.  I announced my plan yesterday and said that I would leave the house about 8:00 a.m. Mike decided to join in the fun.

We arose to about an inch of wet snow. We knew it wouldn’t last long here in the valley. The streets were wet as we drove into town. Looking out over the Snake River, I wondered aloud about the “Reflections on the Confluence” evening boat parade.

“That’s at Christmas,” said Mike.
So, I had to enlighten him. “Last year they had the boat parade ‘Black Friday’ weekend,” I said, “and that’s next weekend. And besides,” I continued, “it’s Christmas now.”

First stop: Walmart. It’s been years since I’ve baked for the holidays, but I’ve missed it, and this year I’m going to make some traditional goodies. I had fruitcake-making supplies on my list, and I was in a holiday mood. We made quick work of gathering what I needed.

Second stop: Albertson’s. We chose a turkey breast for our Thanksgiving meat and Mike volunteered to cook it on the grill. I gathered the rest of our groceries and was about finished when I remembered I forgot to buy the golden raisins at Walmart where they cost about half of Albertson’s price. Mike decided to go back and get them for me while I finished at Albertson’s. It seemed sorta silly but worked out well. I took a deep breath, slowed down, and thought of several needed items that weren’t on my list. Mike had good luck at Walmart – found the raisins and was able to check out quickly – and he returned as I was checking out.
Third stop: Costco. Costco was last because they weren’t open when we started. I was delighted to see that the fresh wreaths are available at $14.99. Since we no longer have a live tree, I insist upon a fresh wreath for the door. And I bought one for the front door at the farm, too. We bought nuts, dishwasher detergent, vanilla – you know, some things that it really pays to buy at Costco.  Then we were finished.
On the way home, we stopped to see little Mack, Ken’s puppy. He’s so energetic now. And he was so happy to see Mike! (He might have been happy to see anyone, but it makes a good story that he was happy to see Mike.)

So, this afternoon, after the neighborhood walk, I made a batch of Bennie’s No-Bake Fruitcake. Now my holiday “baking” is under way.

Researching for info on the boat parade I discovered it’s scheduled for Saturday, Dec. 3, at 4:30 p.m.


  1. The natural wreath is lovely. What are the "wisps of white" in the fruitcake? I don't mean the coconut. Is it sugar?

    Doesn't the history of fruitcake go back many centuries? Was the origin in England or some other country?

  2. Hi Leah! I'm not an expert on fruitcake history, but yes, apparently it goes back centuries to ancient Rome.

    The recipe I used calls for the fruit to be mixed with vanilla wafer crumbs. The "glue" is sweetened condensed milk. This fruitcake is light in color.

  3. Mmm, love the wreath. I usually have one on our front door year 'round, different ones I've cobbled together on grapevine wreaths to match the season. Come Friday or Saturday, it'll be time to change from fall to Christmas!

    And while I truly love fruitcake, I confess I've never made one! :-)

  4. I've never undertaken to make a wreath. I especially like fall and winter wreaths.

    I packed my fruitcake into three bread pans, two of which I stored. Mike and I are making quick work of the third, which is the reason I think twice about having holiday goodies on hand. There are several other fruitcake recipes I'd like to try, but we only need so much -- and we don't really need that!
