Monday, November 14, 2011


The laundry room has never looked so good. "Take a picture," said Mike.
Perhaps you noticed the clutter on the washer and dryer in the previous post. When we moved into this house, we put the storage bin and the basket, both filled with a variety of textiles, on the washer and dryer with the idea that I would sort through them. Well, it never happened, and the clutter got worse and worse. Actually I was overwhelmed by the process of finding places for some of those oddball things, but yesterday I sorted and made decisions, and here we are. The rags are tucked neatly into the cabinet while better pieces were stored elsewhere. The storage bin now holds my visors, caps and gloves, handy for our daily walk.

This laundry bag is a vintage piece apparently made by my maternal grandmother, Nina Portfors. Mother gave it to me for my laundry when I was a student at the University of Idaho because I wanted a laundry bag, but to me, it didn't quite fit the bill. If Grandma made it, I thought it should be cherished rather than tossed around. I found it in the basket, so I laundered it and hung it on the wall. KW


  1. Taking photos of a tidy laundry room is understandable (at least to me). I took before & after pictures of a major store room overhaul a few years ago. When you're proud of a big cleaning project, the camera comes out. Long after we're gone, our ancestors will wonder why we wanted to capture that moment. It's one of things where "you have to have been there."

    All that's missing on your laundry room wall is a little handmade clothespin bag in the shape of a dress, frog or some fun design.

    Putting your grandmother's laundry bag on the wall is much better than hiding this treasure in a drawer.

  2. Doesn't a major cleanout/tidying up feel great?

    I'm absolutely in love with your grandmother's laundry bag. I add it to my sewing inspiration Pinterest board!

  3. Your right, Leah - I mustn't lose sight of making that clothespin bag.

    A "Pinterest" board? So you pin pictures of things you like on your interest/inspiration board? It wouldn't be hard to copy this laundry bag. The fabric is probably muslin.

  4. Pinterest.com (Pin + Interest= Pinterest) is a social network thing that started late last spring is taking the world by storm. Some women are known to spend hours every day just looking at the stuff that people "pin" onto their boards.

    I like the idea because I have a "pin it" thinging so that I can save something to a board instead of downloading it and losing the image in the bowels of my hard drives. It can help me keep things organized.

    That said, if you go to my boards, you'll see that I haven't pinned much on them http://pinterest.com/drjulieann/

  5. Thanks for the link, Dr. J. I checked it out. Very interesting. I'm afraid the world of social networking is eluding me. On the other hand it is overwhelming to keep track of all that inspires me. That's why I have a guest bed covered with stuff.

    Speaking of organizing stuff, I'm still struggling with a way to organize my recipes.

  6. So the new cupboard did lead to other things. And when that happens, it's actually fun! Your laundry room looks wonderful and I'm betting it's a lot more fun for you to walk in there now. Well done! :-)

  7. If you got a different kind of shelf for the wall, you could probably fit TWO shelves!

  8. I have often marveled at the placement of that shelf above the washer / dryer. They could easily have placed two shelves -- even deeper shelves. We've talked about making that change, but for now, I discovered that my projects in clear storage boxes look pretty good there.

    Thanks, Stephen.
