Thursday, December 1, 2011


Having missed my breakfast, I insisted on having a whole half of a foot-long sandwich at Subway all to myself. Then Mike, who has undertaken another challenge series of geocaches, wanted to pursue a cache which was hidden by a certain individual. We headed back to Sprague – to that section where Sprague is westbound and Appleway is eastbound. This is a main arterial, a highly trafficked area with car dealerships and girly theaters. We parked off Appleway.
Following the GPS directions, we walked into a wilderness in the middle of the city. Steep and rocky, the whole area seemed to be a rock formation with a deep crevice running through it. A big water tank sat on top of the hill.

Paths ran all through the area, but I was wearing my standard walk/run shoes, not hiking boots. Mike is accustomed to hiking hills, but I’m cautious – perhaps to my own detriment. Neither one of us knew when we left the house that we would undertake this type of experience. Nellie, for the second time that day, was having a wonderful time.

Naturally, we went the wrong way to begin with. Eventually we reached a point where Mike could see the cache was located 200 feet away – on the other side of the crevice. Back down to the bottom we went – and up the other side. Once at the indicated spot, Mike readily found the cache. It was a beautiful spot, an interesting spot – and I thought it was an uncomfortable place. I was relieved to get back to the car and be on our way once again.

The sun was getting low in the sky as we headed home. By the time we reached Moscow, it was dusk, but we stopped for one last cache at an RV park. An old cedar stump had evidently been transported to the spot. The cache was nearby.

We were home before 5:00 and finished the day with a holiday customer appreciation event at a local pharmacy / gift shop. KW


  1. The RV park is Green Acres where Cameron Road comes into Hwy 95 south of Moscow. Interesting corner if your tree guy doesn't know it. The cedar stump has a plaque explaining its history. The notes said if you went to the top of the hill on Cameron you could see both Moscow and Pullman.

  2. I wondered if that was where you were, but I'm unfamiliar with the stump, so I wasn't certain.

    And yes, you can see all over from the top of Cameron. One man we know calls it "the top of the world."
