Monday, January 2, 2012


I know. People who work are thrilled to have a long weekend – any long weekend -- but suddenly today I’m a little tired of the vacation drill. It feels like the New Year’s holiday started Friday and is still going on today.

To me, the New Year means organizing for the year ahead – determining direction and stirring my heart and mind to action. To that end my “Marjolein Bastin 2012 Nature’s Journal Engagement Planner” has been pressed into service. This year’s focus: “Finishes.” As I mentally review my unfinished works, I add them to the list on a page in this journal. On the opposite page, I resolve to note finishes. 

I don’t need to share here what I have outlined in my engagement planner. I know there’s some value in telling one’s goals, but I tend to keep mine to myself. I’m responsible to myself for the accomplishment of my work. I’d rather say what I did than what I’m going to do. Sometimes what seems important as I set my goals is not so important in the bigger picture of life. 

That said, I have resolved to finish a number of projects before I start more unfinished projects. I tend to start things that I don’t finish, and it’s time to clean up – or clear out – some of these things. Exceptions are machine embroidery and doll clothes. These constitute simpler, ongoing projects that provide quick finishes and refreshment. I need that.

And I’m surely glad I have that loophole because this morning Chris wrote to point out a free granny afghan pattern for American Girl dolls at Libertyjane.com. I downloaded it and then I left Mike with football while I took myself to Jo-Ann to buy yarn. I’m having a hard time getting my gauge tight enough, though. Little dolls need small squares, not big squares. I’m thinking the square could be three rounds instead of four. Hmmmm.

And then Mike and I took Nellie and went out to pick up a few geocaches. We found three, two that have been elusive on the levee. I took pictures  while Mike completed the "paperwork."

And then Clint called this evening to say he made it back home but not without incident. As he was driving back to Gooding this morning, he slowed to turn into a rest stop when the front left wheel came off his pick-up. Fortunately there was no oncoming traffic and no one was hurt. He was able to retrieve the wheel, which was ruined, and managed to mount his spare, which wasn’t easy and took an hour. We’re grateful tonight that he is home. KW


  1. Kathy,

    You & I do seem to follow the same thread. Good on you for your plans.
    I hope we will be able to have that get-together this year.

  2. I have so many interests and am so easily distracted that I, too, have unfinished projects that I want to finish. There is just a sense of accomplishment when it is finally completed.

  3. Distractions will occur -- a family member in crisis, an organization in need of one's talents, a friend reaching out for support, or togetherness activities with one's spouse. There are some things on my list I don't want to do, but the point is, I need to face them one way or another. Accomplishment does feel good.

  4. Silver lining: at least you get projects STARTEomeRome progress is better than no progress. It is satisfying to wrap things up, though. I'm very excited for 2012...I don't believe the Mayans. I think it's going to be a very good year!

  5. Hallie -- What does "STARTEomeROME" mean? I think you're typing on that iPad again.

  6. I'm one of those weird people who can only have one project going at a time. I'm linear--can't go right or left, just ahead until it's done. I know, weird.

  7. Yes, iPad is stupid. = Some progress is better than no progress. I apparently am making NO progress...

  8. Linear, Chris? I don't know that's so weird. It's a good thing. But your comment does hint at the fact that perhaps the way we work our projects is related to our basic personality traits, for lack of a better word. I'm not linear and never have been. I seem to require some variety as I work through things.

    Hallie -- thanks for deciphering the code.
