Wednesday, February 15, 2012


According to my resolution - my plan of action for 2012 -- this is to be a year of finishes. If it can't be a year of finishes, then nothing more must be added to the "to be finished" list. And that means I have to finish anything I start. There has to be a loophole, you know, because things do come up.

We're going to Boise this weekend where we will spend time with our three children -- the younger family, as it were. Hallie's new job is taking her there for a few days and she arranged to stay into the weekend. Milo lives in Boise and is settling into new circumstances. And Clint is coming from Gooding to join us on Saturday. 

I don't know if we'll be able to see the grandchildren or not, but I decided to take gifts, just in case. I read recently about machine embroidery on fleece, and nothing would do but that I make fleece throws with their names embroidered on them. Yes, there I go again, off on another tangent, but I've never worked with fleece and I've never lettered a name with my machine. The project seemed worthy on several levels.

I was going to buy fleece on sale, but when I got to Jo-Ann's and reasoned through the cost, I changed my mind. Instead I went back to "Nameless Mart," where "no-sew" fleece kits were on sale for $7.00 and bought two. The kits come with two pieces of fleece -- a panel piece and plain backing -- designed to be tied together. Perhaps the panels were a bit small and juvenile for the older boy (11), and also a bit -- what's the word? militant? -- for my taste, but I still liked the price for my learning level. I also bought batting, and ignoring the "no sew" thing, I trimmed the two pieces of fleece to the same size, embroidered each boys name on the backing, and stitched the two pieces together with batting between.

Fleece seems very forgiving. I was pleased with the results, and next time I won't be afraid to buy the yardage. KW


  1. Kathy, you're a super grandma. The kids will just LOVE their personalized throws.

    There are some stores in Wash. & Idaho that we don't have in So. Calif. At first I thought there was a store called "Nameless Mart" near you. Then I realized that you meant "W..." Or it could be "K"

    New Year's resolutions are for some people, but not me. What works for me is a healthy dose of "C & O" in January & February. Years ago I realized that I was cleaning & organizing closets/cabinets or whatever got in my way. Then I was happy to tell everyone that the New Year was the beginning of my search & destroy mission. My rules are simple. 1. Never make a list of what to organize (no pressure). 2. Each project must begin with a complete emptying out of the closet/cabinet. 3. Brag about my clean closet/cabinet. I'm known by friends & family as "The Lone Arranger."

    Sure hope you make more throws. I think you've hit on a great gift idea! Hope all of the family enjoys a happy reunion in Boise. Take lots of pictures.

  2. Some of my family don't like Walmart. I suppose the store is controversial everywhere. But I shop there because it's what we have. I expect in southern California you have more options than we do. We also have K-Mart and Shopko. I do like to patronize the small business when I can, especially the craft store, but when it comes to the marts, my convenience is most important.

    It seems to me that organizing and clearing out is a form of New Year's resolution, as it were. A lot of magazines seem to focus on organizing for the New Year. I suppose it represents a fresh start. I could do with some of that.

    Certainly I will take the camera to Boise.

  3. I understand the Walmart thing. My biggest problem with them is the brands they carry/don't carry. Once I went to WMart to shop for a small appliance. Their choices were few & I had never heard of the brands. That didn't make me feel good. What makes me feel worse is that their stores in Calif. aren't clean. Stuff is thrown on the floor and no clerks are around to tidy up. I'm a Target girl. Their name brands please me and the stores are nice & clean.

    I've been to Walmarts in Colorado & Missouri & they are cleaner. It all boils down to population density. Too many people go through Calif. Walmarts each day.

    I'm sure that I got the idea to "clean up" in January from a magazine sometime in my past. A light went on inside me and I said, "I can do that (very well)."

  4. Big win on the Thor blankets. Those are awesome!

  5. I'm glad you think the throws are a win, Hallie. I know nothing about Thor, but it looks like he's a protector. I'd like to have him on my side.

  6. So good to see you today even if we didn't get to talk much. Sounded as if you were all having fun. Jenny and Mom didn't get there until about 3:45.

    The blankets look fabulous!! I agree with Hallie. WELL DONE!

  7. Hi Chris! Well, I certainly had fun. It was quite lovely. You had a lot of distractions. It was good that you weren't teaching us some elaborate application today. Sorry I missed seeing your family, but I'll see your mom soon.
