Saturday, March 31, 2012


Tomorrow is April Fool's Day. It's also Palm Sunday and the beginning of Holy Week. So, I have chosen to share this April Fool's postcard from my dad's collection today, March 31. 

This postcard was given to Vance by his cousin, Ruth Dobson, probably between 1910 and 1915. On the back of the card Ruth penciled: "Hope that you will be a wise guy the rest of the year." Hmmm. . .


  1. That's a new one. Haven't seen an April Fool's card before. But who knows, they could be in a card store right now. Since there are cards for divorce, toothaches & a dog's death, no holiday is left unscathed today.

  2. I was very surprised to find this card and to discover that the April Fool's tradition is ancient.

  3. I didn't know there were these cards, either. I've never liked April Fool's, even when I was a kid. I've always been glad when the day was over. :-)

  4. Working on April Fool's day was always stressful. The "adults" did goofy things all day and it was hard to concentrate.

    One spring day in the mid 1950's, I wore a maternity dress to work for the first time. Some people thought I was joking since it was April Fools Day. That didn't make me happy.

  5. Like Chris, I never liked April Fool's Day and was glad when it was over. And Leah gives an example of the reason. Perfectly normal things are misconstrued.

    That said, the Lewiston Tribune published an article about 25 years ago that was funny, I thought. It went on and on about how the expensive new bleachers at the Lewis-Clark State College baseball park were under attack by a mutant termite that was eating away at them. It was written in such serious style that it caused us to think twice. "No, there are not metal-eating termites," said Mike. "This must be a joke." Then we realized it was April 1.
