Sunday, March 11, 2012


It was already late when I awoke this morning -- 8:15 or so. Then I remembered -- it's now daylight savings time so it was really 9:15 and I was getting a really late start on this day. I didn't get around to breakfast -- a bowl of cereal -- until 10:00, which the clock said was 11:00. So, I'll be late all day long -- late with lunch, late with supper, and I won't be ready to go to bed when the clock says 9:30. And it won't stop with today -- I'll feel this way off and on for a week.

I don't let it get me down, but we now know that the time change does cause a mental adjustment that is really quite noticeable for some people. I think most of us have some sense of what time it is whether or not we're going by the clock. I guess that's the "inner clock." And when suddenly the clock shifts an hour one way or the other, it affects the inner clock.

As he was adjusting the time on his watches this morning, Mike mentioned that we have more months of daylight savings time than standard time. Yes, just four months on standard time now. Why do we bother? I'm sure there are many reasons, some of which just don't affect my life. The real issue, of course, is with the sun. The varying length of our days is one of the things in life we can't do anything about.

I can report several finishes. I finished my second term as president of my P.E.O. chapter and as a parting gift for the other officers, I embroidered six towels with the above "Live, Laugh, Love" design, a project that was on my "to do" list. "Live, Laugh, Love" was our program theme for the year, and of course, the heart expressed just the right sentiment. I thank Chris for her encouragement.


  1. No, I do not believe there is any real good reason for the time change. This is just an example of something that was once passed in legislation and now we're unable to pass legislation to fix it. Bigger fish to fry, I guess. I have a passionate hatred for the time change. What's more, I've never met anyone who LIKES it. I think I've read that there's data to prove the time change does not result in the energy savings it was supposed to create.

  2. I also hate & loathe daylight savings time. In fact, I have more trouble in the fall when we get the extra hour back. Go figure. But grumbling about something that I can't change isn't productive.

    Lovely towels, Kathy. It's nice to hear about someone in a leadership role giving thank you gifts. But then, again, you have an keen awareness of how everyone is linked together as they go through life.

  3. It does seem as if there is no one who likes it. But "they" have shortened & shortened the std time, so mayhap they will do away with it entirely and then it will all be "standard" time anyway. Well, one can hope can't one?
    Kathy, I think your "broidery is wonderful and such a thoughtful gift, too.

  4. Hallie, I love your words, "passionate hatred for the time change." I TOTALLY agree!! Well said!

    Kathy, thanks for your comment in your blog, it was fun to exchange the messages about your project! :-) They turned out beautifully, and I know the ladies loved them.

    We changed our clocks last night and went to bed early, hoping to avoid the usual crash... I'm just glad I don't have to get up and teach tomorrow!! When I did, that first week always killed me.

  5. I love DST. In a way I agree with Hallie. Only I think DST should be our standard.

  6. I like what you said about me, Leah -- "a keen awareness of how everyone is linked together" -- but in fact, thoughtful small gifts to express appreciation is an expectation in this case. And the chapter remembered me with a gift as well - a framed "sisters" sentiment and a gift card to Jo-Ann.

    Local Tribune reporter and columnist, Kathy Hedberg, grumbles about the time change in today's paper. She says that an Orofino man "made his case before the [disinterested] Idaho Legislature in February, saying that moving our clocks ahead in the spring and behind in the fall doesn't make sense and could be harmful to our health."
