Sunday, March 4, 2012


After a cold, foggy morning, the sun came out this afternoon. The weather man predicted temps in the 60s. Here at our house it reached 60.

I took Nellie for a walk wearing the same sweatshirt and fleece jacket that had me freezing to death on Friday. Today I was overly warm.

Here's a picture of my first crocus. As you can see, I have yet to clear the old vegetation out of the yard.

And here you can see the "basket o' gold" setting on its blossoms.

Shadows against this rock caught my eye -- as though it was something new, something I hadn't seen before.


And here comes Mike - returning from his first outdoor ride of the season. KW


  1. It only got to 55 up here, but was so nice all day. I spent the morning working at the Uniontown Sausage Feed, so didn't get to enjoy much of the day as I was pretty "pooped" by the time I made it home. And no good weather predicted for next week - too bad. Nice pics.

  2. It was overcast and windy today, which made it feel quite cold. I'm surprised that you're seeing signs of spring.

    A sausage feed??? I know a man who would have enjoyed that!

  3. Uniontown has a sausage feed annually. Some of the other small communities in the region might, too. I'm not sure.

    It hasn't been a super-cold winter overall. But if Seattle was cold and windy today, that would seem to confirm what Dr. Molly said -- no good weather for us.

  4. As you know, cool, windy and wet up here. Spring is coming, but it may be July before it gets here! :-)
