Monday, April 16, 2012


POST UPDATE: I had difficulty with the previous photo, so I took new pictures and re-posted. These opened for me; I hope they open for you, too. 

I cleaned off the guest bed the other day and to celebrate, I took a picture of some recent finishes. The doll quilt was made with '30's reproduction fabrics. I consider the quilt a practice piece for my own collection.

The little slips for American Girl dolls were a special project. I made them from the hem of a slip given to me by a P.E.O. sister, which fits with my goal to re-purpose textiles. There was enough fabric to make the two slips using the lace hem as the hem for the doll slips. I was able to make two pairs of panties as well. We have "show and tell" at our P.E.O. meetings, so I'm going to show this project and then give the items to the sister who has granddaughters with AG dolls.

I tell you what! Making doll clothes isn't easy, and I'm not sure the advances in methods over the last 50 years are really advances. KW


  1. I tried to click on the photo to make it bigger but it didn't work. Hmmm. Anyway, you got the little quilt done! Yay!!

    The dolly slips and panties sound perfect. The dolls will love having nice "unmentionables." :-)

    Doll clothes *are* hard to make, especially since dolls like the AG ones can vary so much in size. Tiny seams and small parts don't help, either.

  2. There's something funky about the picture. It wouldn't post, so I copied and pasted. I had no trouble with the spring pictures the day before which were in the same set. Tomorrow I'll re-take the picture and see if I can re-post.

    As someone has observed, the AG doll is obese. The little underpants balloon out in the seat to accommodate her bottom.

  3. Oooo, so very cute!! The quilt looks perfect! The slip and panties are adorable. Well done!! {cough, sniff, hack...}

  4. I LOVE it! And, if I'm not mistaken, I think I had the honor of picking out some of those fabrics. YAY! :)

  5. Kathy, your work is outstanding. How much did your sewing machine's computerized functions play a part in this lovely work?

    The modern woman's life has been complicated by computers, installation and problem solving of these things(my life).
