Tuesday, May 8, 2012


Hallie and Nick, West Seattle-ites, have landscaped a small area behind their small condo (apartment) and fulfilled a longtime dream to have hummingbirds visit them. They hung the feeder and were duly rewarded.

But was it time for hummingbirds here at the farm? Yesterday I boiled a little nectar and hung our feeder on the front porch outside the dining room. As we ate our supper, two hummingbirds began to feed and entertain us.

Other wildlife comes to this place as well, some we don’t see. Mike thinks this large hoof imprinted in the lane was probably an elk.  

After arriving here yesterday morning, Mike immediately set to work to dissuade the pigeons from roosting on the house. They make a terrible mess! Last year we made real progress, but they found new roosting spots and Mike won't tolerate that. The roof is high and steep, so this isn’t a fun project. (Or maybe it is on some level – hmmmmm.) 

First, we went to the dormer above the front porch. Mike tied a rope around his waist, looped it around one of the roof braces on the opposite side and leaned out the window in order to staple the wire into place. My job? – hold the rope.


Then – we had to get the dreaded long ladder from the barn. You know how I hate that long ladder and watching Mike access the high places on the house. It took us several tries to position the ladder accurately, but eventually Mike was able to climb up, clean the mess and staple the mesh. I was relieved when the ladder was once again hanging in the barn.

And here's the bonus picture -- Nellie on point during our late afternoon walk. Two Hungarian partridge got up and flew off. Nellie likes to practice her hunting skills this time of year. KW


  1. Mike Warnock...Pigeon Police.

  2. You are so brave to hold the rope!!! I absolutely hate it when Dan is in a high place or on a ladder. Like you, I am so thankful when he is on the ground and the ladder is put away. Too scary. (And to think I'm the daughter of a man who used to jump out of airplanes!!)

    Love Leah's comment. :-)

  3. Pigeon Police -- I mentioned to Mike that I didn't remember the pigeons had been a problem for previous tenants of the house. He said ol' Jack wouldn't have tolerated them. He would have shot them! It seems to me, though, that things change.

    When you have to rely on each other to accomplish the work, you end up doing things you might rather not, but it went better for me this time. We do seem to learn to do things.
