Monday, May 28, 2012


In the real world, today is Memorial Day. Here where time seems to stand still, it was just another day. I did five loads of laundry and hung the clothes on the line. 

If you look closely at the photo to the left, you can see five doe and a buck grazing in our south field. They were there a long time, then headed out toward the canyon. In the afternoon, they were back. I should have asked what they knew that I didn't.
Mike rode his bike out to Nezperce this afternoon so I took Nellie for a walk. The sky looked okay to me as we walked down the lane.
We're growing a lot of canola in the region now. When the sun shines on it, it just glows. The contrast of the darkening sky while the distant canola field caught the sun's rays inspired this photo.
Here's a canola field in the foreground while the storm develops in the distance.
I would like to have this scene hanging over my mantle.
As I stood in the canola field to take this picture, it suddenly occurred to me that the distant storm probably wasn't too far away, and I thought about my clothes on the line -- way too many to dry in the house. I commenced to walk/run the mile back to the house. Kinda deflating when Nellie passed me by at her fast walk, not even breathing hard.
And here I am, back at the house. It wasn't raining yet, but it did rain fairly hard ten minutes later and I had to deal with some not-quite-dry clothes.

Mike arrived back from his ride, not even wet. KW


  1. Do you have a place to dry clothes in the house? A line you can string up or a clothes rack?

  2. I have a wooden rack that I use in the house. However, just a little dampness remained in the clothes so I didn't bother with the rack. Instead I laid the clothes out in Hallie's room, over the stair banister, etc. And I ironed a couple of shirts. Hanging clothes constitutes a lot of handling and even more when they don't get dry.

    My comment about the deer and what they knew that I didn't -- Well, it rained hard in the night. They must have sensed the oncoming storm. They certainly feasted in our field.

  3. I have two outside clotheslines; one under the front porch and one out on the deck. So, if it is raining I can put some outside anyway. I also have a couple of racks for inside. I try to use the dryer as little as possible-really saves on the electric bill.

    We worked outside both Sunday & Memorial Day (in the yard, garden & orchard) and had the greatest luck to get done both days just as the rain began here. All-in-all a great weekend.
    I'm glad you had a fairly good weekend Kathy.

  4. I enjoy the personality of the sky there. We don't have quite the variety of cloud formation here. Last week there was a thunder storm constituting just one low rumble that you would have missed if you weren't standing in silence like I was. One summer at the farm there was a thunder storm that scared my soul right out of my body! Quite a difference.

  5. That was a memorable thunderstorm all right. It was very close and went on a long time. Nellie was frightened and Mike wasn't inclined to be sympathetic, so Hallie took her in.

    Hmmm. Dr. Molly's comment about her clotheslines sparked an idea for me. I'll think about a line on the sun porch -- maybe one of those retractable units.
