Tuesday, May 1, 2012


This picture of the Orofino High School Football Team of 1919 has been amongst my photos for years, so when Chris commented on the previous post that she possesses a copy of the OHS annual of 1920, my interest was piqued. Over the weekend I had once again examined the photograph, pondering again the identities of the players. I even brought it back to town with me and wondered if it might be possible to verify it against that year's annual. Who knew that Chris would have one!

Yes, Fairly Walrath, my mother's first husband, is in this picture -- third from the left in front. Born in 1902, Fairly was two years older than my dad.

The thing is, this picture was in my dad's collection, and he printed his name on the back in bold artistic letters. But -- just looking at the picture, I have concluded over and over that he isn't in it. I had to ask Mother to identify him, and even then I can barely see my dad in that image. The thing I asked myself over the weekend is: If that person isn't my dad, then who is it?

So, which one do you think is Vance Dobson? (Carl Fisk on the other hand -- now I'd know him anywhere, anytime.) KW


  1. This isn't the same picture as the one in the annual. There are three more boys in the one you have, but like you, I can't see your dad in it. In the group photo for the freshman class that includes your dad, he is unmistakable, and I could have picked him out even without the names below. Hmmm, this is indeed a puzzle.

  2. I meant to add that maybe your Dad was absent when they took the annual photo. Now I'm dying to know which one in the picture your mom identified.

  3. If he has to be one of them, my guess is the fellow at the bottom left. It's a little blurry and with the angle of his head I could see how it could be him but we might not think so. I just can't see how it could be one of those other boys.

    Curious about other guesses...

  4. My guess is second from the right in the back row. I can't even guess my own classmates.

  5. Chuck is correct -- second from the right in the back row. I wonder if Vance might have served as team captain or manager or whatever they called them rather than a player.

    You know,sometimes a photograph just doesn't represent the subject well, and I think that's the case with this picture.

    The "Prospector" of 1920 was the first annual put out by the students of OHS and Chris has a copy because her grandmother was on the staff. This premiere volume carries some interesting info on establishing an annual at OHS and the choosing of the name (Prospector).

  6. HI - I know this is several years later, but I just discovered a picture of the 1917 OHS football team that I had purchased some years ago at an estate sale. I live in Spokane.Anyone interested in having the photo?
    The names are clearly written on the back, and then some type-written copies are attached. Bob Johnson was captain, then Jim Kauffman, Lloyed Johnson, Harry Mullikan, Mel Fuller, Jim Runkle, Carl Fisk, Arnold Soderberg, James Knokle, A.B. Curtis, Fairley Walrath, Vivian Orcutt.

  7. Hello Anonymous in Spokane!

    My family, which includes the descendants of Fairly Walrath, would like to have the photo in question.

    I'm concerned about communicating the details. Can you message me through Facebook?
