Friday, August 17, 2012


Mike and I had been planning a combined geocaching and berrying trip, and yesterday (Thursday, Aug. 16) was the day. I packed a picnic lunch in the basket, put ice and drinks in the cooler, picked up the essential electronics, threw in a small pail, and we were off by 8:30.

We went first to Merry’s Bay behind Dworshak Dam where we hiked a trail and picked up five caches. The last one we couldn’t find. I quickly lost interest in the search. It was already getting hot and I was uncomfortable in the presence of mosquitoes. As we’ve said before, our interest is in getting out for a hike and seeing the sights – not in spending long minutes looking for the cache.
The hiking trail is quite a ways above the water, but Nellie found a way to get down there for a dip and a drink. I was concerned about her finding her way back, but Mike said not to worry because she’s part mountain goat. She soon rejoined us.

Then we went back to Orofino and found a few easy caches on Eureka Ridge on the north side of the Clearwater River above town. When I was a girl, that road was unpaved and my family never had reason to go to that area. Instead, we traveled the Gilbert Grade to our farm on the south side of the Clearwater. The golden field in the picture is on the tip of Russell Ridge, probably three miles from the farm as the crow flies. Remember – I have found vistas of the dam and reservoir as I traveled the ridge. [The photo above was actually taken at the top of the road as we approached Merry's Bay.]
Now, however, the Eureka Ridge Road leads to Merry's Bay behind Dworshak Dam, so the road has been improved. There are probably some beautiful homes built on view property on that ridge, and there are some places that aren't quite so pretty. 
As you can see from the pictures, the area is really smoky because of the regional forest fires. Not a good picture day at all.

Then we continued our route behind Orofino on the Wells Bench Road to where it comes into the Grangemont Road. That’s where we pulled off and ate our sandwiches. Anyone living in California would scoff at this observation, but we thought the traffic was incredible. Besides the logging trucks, there were all kinds of other vehicles. And really – that area is the middle of nowhere. Gone are the days when you went there and didn’t see another soul.

Eventually we did turn off the “main drag” onto a gravel road, and then we were mostly alone, but I could still hear the traffic on the highway. It made me a little nervous. We searched in shady woods for one cache we didn’t find, but we located another.

Continuing along the gravel road, we came to this beautiful vista. Again, it wasn’t a clear day. I’m not sure what we call these mountains to the east of our location. Maybe they’re just part of the “Clearwater Mountains.”

We weren’t looking very hard for berries and we didn’t find any, with the exception of some blackberries or black caps at Merry’s Bay. Mike said he would wait if I wanted to pick them, but I decided not to. I was really interested in huckleberries, but it’s hot in the woods in the afternoon, and picking the little huckleberries is labor-intensive. 

At our last stop a tired Nellie took a dip in the cool water of Orofino Creek. Mike didn't find the cache but managed to lose his handy-dandy stamp out of a side pocket on his pack. [He didn't realize the loss until we were back at the farm, so this morning he rode the street-legal dirt bike back to the location -- above Konkolville -- where he found it hanging in the brush.]

We stopped in Orofino for milk and a few provisions and were back at the farm by 3:30. No one mentioned a late afternoon walk – not even Nellie. After supper, she slept an hour on her pillow, then asked to have her teeth brushed so that she could go to bed.

I enjoyed a call from Hallie before supper. She had participated in training in Bethlehem, PA, and then took the bus to Philadelphia. She had checked into a hotel and expected Nick to join her there soon. They’re spending a long weekend sightseeing in and around Philadelphia. KW 

1 comment:

  1. I like the photo of the field. We walked 7.5 miles today! We saw the Liberty Bell, walked by Betsy Ross' house (but didn't go inside), admired the Capitol Building, rested at Washington Square, checked out Franklin's gravesite, and discovered a fresh Market that puts Pike Place to shame. A full day, indeed.
