Saturday, December 22, 2012


December 2012 --

December 20 was Christmas Eve at the "Old Dobson Place," Gilbert, Idaho. The setting sun behind the house casts long shadows across the front yard looking eastward into a dark sky.

"All is calm, all is bright." The tree stands in quiet readiness, and once again I learned that the readiness of my heart is what's important, and that's not tied to any day.
Nellie sought the security of Hallie's lap during the opening of gifts on Christmas morning (December 21). Mike checks over something Santa left him.
Hallie and Nick gave Mike a retro phone handset compatible with the new iPhone he ordered with Hallie's assistance.
In the afternoon Mike took Nick and Nellie on a "strenuous" geocaching hike in the vicinity of Dworkshak Dam. They were "first to find" on two caches.
This morning (the day after Christmas for us), Nellie eagerly waited for Hallie and Nick at the stair door. Hallie always brings pig ears as a morning treat for Nellie, a loving gesture which earns Hallie Nellie's undying affection. KW


  1. Oh, I've been waiting for these pictures! Loved looking at them all. Merry Christmas!

  2. Thank you, Chris -- and Merry Christmas to all of you also. H+N will leave tomorrow mid-morning. Mike and I plan to stay here a few days. We'll see.

    My next project is to make a lunch sack for Hallie. She found fabric in my stash that she loved and we also identified the style.

  3. The lighted tree photo is perfect for a Christmas card. Can you remove the date stamp after the fact?

    So nice you had time together with H&N.

  4. I'm not sure about removing the date stamp from photos. The effect is nice but it isn't clear.

  5. No photo is safe in this "photoshopped world." To remove anything (or anyone) from a photo (using Photoshop), you choose an area, choose a color match from a place close to the area that you want to remove & bingo. Matching color replaces the date (or whatever). I'm still learning Photoshop and in about 30 years I'll be very good at it.

    The photo may not be clear, but you captured the tree lights. I personally think it's a great photo.
