Monday, January 14, 2013


It’s definitely a winter day – cold, snowy, a bit breezy. It snowed overnight, and though it’s only a couple of inches, I’m still glad that I shopped yesterday and can enjoy the weather from inside the house. Mike and I have retired to the warm comfort of our separate offices. I think Chris is right – the white world seems to reflect more light into the house.

When I framed last year’s resolutions, I held my feet to the fire a bit. “No starting without finishing,” I resolved. It was to be a year of finishing the unfinished as well as finishing what I started. And it worked – sort of. I can’t report a flurry of finishes, but “starting and stashing” slowed.

Frankly, I wasn’t inspired by the goal to finish, finish, finish. What was inspirational to me five, ten, twenty years ago seems to have lost its luster in today’s sewing room. Inspiration must be kept fresh or it isn’t inspiration. 2012 was a good year, though, one reason being that I came face to face with the weakness to start, start, start. Two major points unfolded:

1.     I needed the comfort and privacy of  dedicated work space – and --
2.     You can’t move ahead if you’re held back by the past.
As a result, I got rid of some things and made room for progress. My resolution resulted in positive accomplishment and so the purpose of making and keeping resolutions was fulfilled.

Now we come to 2013 -- time to make new resolutions, or at least re-frame the old ones. I’m still the same person with the same strengths, weaknesses, and ongoing interests, so the goals never really change but fresh inspiration is in order. This year I’ll put some projects on hold again in order to make doll clothes for Granddaughter Emmy and some others. I’ve been waiting for this and I’m ready! And because this window of opportunity won’t be open forever, “the great doll clothes project” finally becomes a priority. As we know, four-year-olds quickly become 20.  I hate to think about that, so I’m not going to. KW


  1. More snow up here today, too. It's beautiful.

    You accomplished much in '12 and now you can take right off this year. I agree, making those doll clothes is of utmost importance. And oh so fun! I thought I'd get to my sewing room today but I haven't so far. But, as you know, the tree is down! That's a biggie.

  2. It felt like it could snow today, but it's best if it doesn't. It was cloudy all day and then at 4:30 the sun sunk below the clouds and backlit the Olympic Mtns in a fiery orange/pink sunset. It was absolutely breathtaking.

    I'm not much for resolutions. There are goals I'd like to achieve, but my primary goal is to be happy and it's funny how resolutions can stand in the way of happiness.

  3. Not sunk. SANK. The sun sank. It sounds weirder the more I mull it over.

  4. Taking the tree down is a day's work, Chris. Feel free to sit down with a hot beverage, put your feet up and enjoy the evening.

    Whatever the grammar, Hallie, your description painted a spectacular view.

    Oh, I always feel good about my resolutions. I don't think my goals stand in the way of my happiness. But I do believe life must be progressive, regardless of one's age. And sometimes we have to face weighty issues in order to make that progress.
