Sunday, May 12, 2013


Mike asked if I thought we should be on the look out for rattlesnakes. I said I thought it was too soon, but the warm temps made me think it could happen.

Friday evening (May 10) we took the dogs for a walk. It was late and I was anxious to get on with it, so when I remembered at the top of the lane that I had forgotten the camera, I didn't go back. I know better, and yes, I came to regret that I didn't have it. As we returned to the farmhouse from the mailbox, I spied a rattler lying in the road.

I saw it first and alerted Mike. Then the dance began. I shooed Nellie to the other side of the road and she stayed out of the way. One thing about Nellie -- she recognizes the genuine concern in our voices and heeds it. Meanwhile, Mike attempted to control the clueless Pepper. Next thing I knew, Pepper, who never saw the snake and knows nothing about them, was laughing at me from the other side of the rattler. Of course, the rattler sensed the commotion and quite naturally coiled, making the whole situation even more dangerous. It seemed like it took forever, but finally we were on our way again, leaving the coiled rattler to wonder what had just happened.

Once back at the house, Mike decided to bathe Nellie, and Pepper got in on the act. KW


  1. Pretty blossoms on that tree. My honeysuckle has buds and the fuschia buds are getting big. Soon there will be flowers! It has been so warm this May--much deserved after the late onset summer of last year and the nearly non-existent one the year before. If this is spring I wonder what summer will be like.

  2. Good for you that the dogs were tractable.

    It is so warm up here that my strawberries are already blooming!
    And the lilacs in the lane are blooming, too-quite early for up here.

  3. We had a storm yesterday afternoon (May 13), and that took care of the apple and pear blossoms.

    My strawberries are blooming beautifully. I noticed that the lilacs are past in Orofino. They are just beginning to bloom here at Gilbert.

  4. Lilacs here, too, but the timing seems about right. Our road has tons of them; someone must have planted them as hedges back in the day, and they alternate between the white and purple ones. I love it!
