Monday, June 17, 2013


Bess seems to feel right at home here at the farm. She loves to run through the grass, her little short legs moving fast behind Mike’s shoes. She loves the woodshed where she entertains herself for hours. When she tires of play, she climbs into Nellie’s barrel for a nap or maybe just quiet time.

Mike took Bess for a walk around the pond this morning, then left for Dworshak Reservoir where there’s a new cache. He’ll pursue a few other caches in the area as well. Nellie watched until the dirt bike disappeared on Lower Plank’s Pitch.

Did I say I would stay with the dogs? No matter – I’d rather stay here. And I’d rather Mike get away for a few hours if that’s what he wants to do.

Both Nellie and Bess napped this morning. Then when Bess got up, we went for a walk around the pond. Nellie detoured into the barn with Bess following. Apparently Bess loves cool, dark, musty places. She refused to leave.

“Come on, Bess,” I called. “Let’s go for a walk.”

“Uh – no,” said Bess, politely but firmly. “I like it here.”

I picked her up and transferred her to the path and she followed my moving shoes quite nicely. Back at the house, she ate lunch and enjoyed a cool drink of water. 

Okay. What next? How about some gardening while everyone’s awake and moving? Nellie knows that drill. I filled watering cans and transferred Bess to the side yard. With a whimper she sat down and scratched her collar. I marked her location and then set to work cultivating the garden. I swear I didn’t look away for more than a minute, but when I looked back, she was gone. Gone!

“Here Bess, here Bess,” I called. Useless.

“Help me look for her,” I said to Nellie.

“Oh the little twer –er—pup is missing? Hmmmm. Too bad. I’ll check these hollyhocks. You run around the other side of the house. It's kinda fun to watch you panic.” Nellie would not be much help, but I’m not fooled. I have seen Nellie find lost dogs.

Okay – settle down, I told myself. Where should I look first? I know! The woodshed! And that’s where I found Bess -- curled up in Nellie’s barrel.

Bess cried a lot the last two nights. I feel sorry for Nellie who shares the woodshed – but not her barrel – with the pup. Bess yelped so loudly last night that when the coyotes set up their cacophony of yodels and barks nearby, I couldn’t help but think they had come for her. But there’s also a big doe with a fawn in the draw to the north. They survived, too. I saw them again this morning. KW


  1. Thanks for the precious pictures!! Except for the crying, things sound just about perfect!

    I remember once when Copper was a puppy and went missing. I finally, in desperation, shook the can we used to fill his food dish and he came running! I was certain he'd gotten out the front door and was long gone--I'd even called Dan in tears to come home from work and help me look.

  2. I want a puppy so bad it hurts! Little Bess is just the second cutest puppy I've ever known. What a keeper!

  3. Well, she's very cute and playful but there's a downside to puppies. Any pet is a responsibility. She needs training. But -- today she pointed the bird wing.

    The good news is that once Bess is trained, we'll redecorate the town house. New carpeting and living room furniture - long overdue.
