Monday, July 15, 2013


It seemed like the week went by in a flash, but it had some restful moments, too. Some years we’ve sent Jack home a little tired. This year he seemed rested and refreshed.

We didn’t take a lot of pictures of Jack. There's something about that -- when a kid gets a little older we quit snapping the camera at him every time he turns around. The Jack of two years ago – a kid of 13 who insisted he needed to be accompanied to his gate at the airport – is at 15 what I call a young adult. This year he said he thought he could find the gate by himself. That’s good because if he had said he needed to be accompanied, I would have handed him a razor.

Here’s a synopsis of Jack’s visit:
·        Monday (July 8) – Jack arrived at Spokane airport; Mike picked him up in the Dakota because he also picked up a dogloo for the farm which he purchased from a private party through Craig’s List. I took Nellie and Bess the Pup and drove to the farm. The raspberries are ripening and I picked some.

·        Tuesday – Mike on his dirt bike and Jack on the 4-wheeler picked up trash on the country roads. It was then that Mike discovered the Senter house had been torn down. They also did some target shooting.

·        Wednesday – Mike and Jack picked up 46 geocaches along Central Grade. And Mike stopped at four more so that Jack could log an even 50. They returned about 2:00 p.m. 
·        Thursday – Back to town. Jack and Mike packed for the backpacking excursion to Harrison Lake. It’s a lot of work. I made lasagna for supper and a coconut cake. It was agreed that leftovers of this meal would serve us well on Sunday when they return.

·        Friday – Jack, Mike, and Nellie left about 7:00 a.m. I set up my sewing machine in the living room and commenced to make doll clothes for Emerson’s American Girl doll. Jack will deliver them to her.

·        Saturday – I took little Bess and went to the farm for the day. I picked raspberries and peas.

·        Sunday – I met with a friend, bought the 2013 Hallmark holiday house (and also the gazebo), and sewed doll clothes. Jack and Mike arrived home about 3:30 and we took the dogs for a dip in the Snake River. Mike and Jack unpacked their camping gear. 

·        Monday (July 15) – Mike returned Jack to the airport in Spokane. I stayed at the town house with the dogs.

And that’s it – Jack’s 2013 visit. But there’s always next year. Plans are underway . . . KW

[Photos: 1. Jack says fond farewells to Nellie and Bess. Nellie doesn't like farewells -- fond or otherwise, and the pup is clueless. 2. Jack logs his 50 caches at the computer on the farm. 3. Jack and Mike play "toss the goose" with Bess. 4. The Senter place -- gone. 5. Jack geocaching on Central Ridge. Perhaps that's Russell Ridge in the background. 6. Jack gets his 200th cache. (Mike's finger.) 7. Jack and Mike -- really more contrast in the size of the two than the picture shows.]


  1. I couldn't believe Jack's facial hair! We had a lot of fun on the backpacking trip. The days just fly by too fast.

  2. Wow has Jack grown up! Sounds like he had a good time and I'm glad Nick and Hallie were able to join in--wonderful memories for everyone.
