Thursday, July 18, 2013


A neighbor came to visit a couple of weeks ago and told us that wireless internet is now possible in our area because of a tower on Teakean Butte. He had it at his house, he said, and was well-pleased with it. We could, too, he thought, because the house is within sight of Teakean Butte. We were excited at the prospect. We put up with slow satellite service here. Several companies now offered wireless internet, he said, and suggested we begin our investigation with the Nezperce Tribe. So we scheduled an appointment for an evaluation.

Yesterday (July 17) was the day. The rep came by as scheduled and explained that they have no towers serving our location. Their tower on Teakean Butte is a cell tower serving the Moscow area. And, even if they did have an internet tower there, we are nine miles from it – has to be within seven for service.
Bummer. We discussed that we are not well-served by internet here, one reason being that there are so few of us. But -- specific to us -- the house sits in a bowl which makes it impossible to receive signal. Call in six months, he said. Maybe something would change. Like the terrain? Doubtful.

So, it was a waste of time for him to come here and tell us what he could have imparted with a phone call. He said he didn’t mind because he likes getting out of the office. More to the point, it was a waste of our time and impacted our schedule.

“But you’re retired!” I hear you say. Hey -- retired people have very important schedules. There are more wonderful things to do than there are hours in the day, especially when we have to coordinate with one another.

There might be another internet option, but I’m not counting on it. We’re just lucky to be able to connect at all. I remind myself that Grandma Ina had no such electronic connection – just a radio that ran on dry cell batteries and a wooden box telephone, both of which were used judiciously. She counted on the mailman to bring her news of her family, friends, and the outside world. And that’s the way it was for most everyone – some better, some worse – “back in the day” -- and for a very long time.

The day was hot from the time we got up. I picked two more cups of raspberries. The onset has slowed somewhat but promises to continue for a while. I have five quarts of frozen raspberries in the freezer. And before supper I found the gumption to pick a half cup of black caps where Dobson Road curves into the lane. Those are in the freezer, too, just in case we make “mixed berry” jam next week. KW

[Photos: Teakean Butte sits to the north on the other side of the Clearwater River. The first picture was taken from the yard while the other two were taken from the Curfman field. The last picture is of the black caps in the lane.]


  1. So how does said neighbor get his internet???

    And I well know the no time thing--my life has been this way all week!! How does that happen? We had a good time at embroidery club, but you were missed.

  2. And I missed being there, too -- and making the pillowcase(s).

    The neighbor uses FirstStep(?), a different company. The tribal rep didn't want to talk about that but clearly thought we were too far from the butte for that service. We will eventually investigate for ourselves.

    The neighbor recommended we try the tribe first because of their very affordable rates.
