Thursday, August 1, 2013


 Nick and Hallie arrived from Seattle about 9:30 Friday (July 26) evening. They love to forage for berries and experiment with jams and jellies. In these pictures Hallie and I are picking wild black raspberries (or whatever else they might be called) in the draw north of the house. In some respects it's really less than pleasant to pursue this. The bushes have sharp thorns and we encountered ticks. We also picked berries on Gilbert Grade, including a beautiful roadside stand of blackberries.

Of course, the main reason for the visit at this particular time was so that Hallie (and Nick) could bond with little Bess. Socialization went pretty well until Bess chewed on Hallie's new sandals.

"Gentlemen (and lady), start you engines." Mike showed Hallie and Nick the CRP at June's, and Hallie found a site for her dream house.

Here's the view that appealed to Hallie. That's Central Ridge beyond Little Canyon. And to the right we see the grove behind our farmhouse from the same spot. The left side shows the trees at the pond.

Mike captured this shot of Nellie playing "the pine cone game" with Nick. She loves to jump for those cones but was rather stove up the next day.

We foraged for berries behind the house but didn't find much. (That stand of trees is the west side of the grove.) Looks like we'll have a good crop of elderberries this year. They won't be ripe for some weeks and they are best when it's cooler.

And then -- all good things must come to an end, but we can't be sad about that. It was a good visit. As a result, the cherry tree is enjoying an application of worm castings and the raspberry patch has been expanded and its fencing improved. We picked enough berries to make two batches of jelly -- mixed berry and black raspberry. (Yes, both are seedy.) Plant identification continues to bring new discoveries. This time Nick found a gooseberry bush in the draw.

We're all busy and it's on to the next things. Mike will meet Yancey in Utah for the "motocaching Utah" experience. We look forward to a visit from brother Chuck and Joanne later in the month. And as you know, it's time to think about those holiday projects. KW


  1. Nick and I look like a couple of hillbillies in the photo in the field. Ugh!

    We had lots of fun!

    Did you realize that you captured a deer in your photo of the canyon view?

  2. Oh come on! I really thought it was pretty good. I had three of Nick with Bess and thought they were all very good -- with the possible exception that Bess looks rather larger than she is.

    Yes, I knew I caught the deer. I wanted to show how the view from your house would include the occasional deer. And I cropped that picture so that the deer would stand out more.

  3. You have become quite the photographer! A very nice eye. :) I have been to my dream house spot many times already in my mind.

    I'm currently looking through the Mary Jane's Farm magazine. I'm almost inspired to quit my job and become a farmer. ha ha!

  4. Oh my gracious! I am so far behind in my reading! Great post and pictures. Bess does indeed look large! And the one with Nellie in the air is amazing! (It looks like Nick has just thrown her and she's flying backwards through the air!)

    Glad you got berries and jam was made. A great time!

  5. Oh, and Hallie--you've picked a lovely spot! (And I actually spotted Mary Jane at my beauty shop {or whatever they call it now} getting a manicure.)
