Sunday, August 11, 2013


August – That’s when the hummingbirds leave and the yellowjackets and grasshoppers come. I decided to fill one of the hummingbird feeders and discovered that a few are still here, so today I renewed the nectar in both feeders. But the yellowjackets are quite bad. We haven’t seen many grasshoppers. Perhaps it’s still early.

No vacations or staycations for the farmers in August. It’s time to work. On this morning’s walk, we confirmed that grain harvest has begun, although our crops are garbs that won’t be harvested until October. I miss having the machines here.

Someone asked if I would have a sew-a-thon during my staycation. I had thought so, but I haven’t started yet. However, I have identified the reason for my reticence: the vintage sewing room is a mess. So now I’ve developed a plan and the great clean-up will commence tomorrow. (I need another cupboard or two and another bookcase or two and . . .)

I suppose you’re wondering how I will reward myself for staying behind to take care of the dogs, the left-over problems, and the usual stuff. Is there another sewing machine in my future? No, I don’t think so – not this year. Instead, I’ve indulged my whim to buy patterns and pattern downloads. And in the process, I’ve learned to save them onto my iPad, which is TOTALLY COOL!! In fact, I am so affirmed by the process that I just want to keep ordering and downloading and saving to my iPad. It’s just great to think that this little device, rather than a voluminous notebook of paper, is going to hold my instructions. I admit to a little nervousness about dropping the hard copy, especially for those patterns I have purchased, but -- those instructions just pop on the iPad screen.

And – Hallie says it’s time to replace my phone. Seems like three years is about max for one’s electronic gizmos, and I suppose it’s been that for my Samsung “Combat.” If it’s time to have a new phone, then the only way to go is an iPhone.

It's muggy right now and the air feels heavy. Another thunderstorm is building. Some rain to clear the air of the smoke and dust would be all right with me, but I’m not sure the farmers would appreciate it just now. Ahhhhh! A breeze has come up and that's heavenly. 

 [Photo 1) A westerly shot over the garbs behind the house at sunset.  2) Nearby harvest operation from "mailbox corner." 3) Nellie romps in the garbs with Central Ridge in the background. 4) A storm sky to the west over the north field.] KW


  1. I'm struggling with the orientation of the first photo. Is the tree on the left the one by the pond and the ones on the right are by the house? Are you EAST of the house for your westerly shot? I'm confused because you say that it's a shot of the grabs from behind the house. ???

  2. I'm standing beside the grove -- to the south of it and just beyond it. The pond is behind me. It's actually looking toward Little Canyon to the west. You just can't see the canyon for the rise of the terrain.

  3. Hmmm...I just can't place those trees in my memory.

    We had a wonderful time at the concert in Sandpoint. It was a beautiful setting and the music was not too loud like it can sometimes be. The traffic was bad on the way home, though. We left Spokane a little after 1 and didn't get back until around 8. We stopped in Cle Elum for dinner rather than sitting on the freeway at a stand still.

  4. You know -- when you live here, and it's the same day in and day out, you begin to look for ways that it's different or ways to make the picture a little different. So -- I went out into the field beyond the clothesline and moved uphill until I got a better shot of the sunset. And -- there are a few trees on the edge of the canyon.

    I don't suppose you've had much opportunity just to hike over the fields to observe the different views. Quite interesting -- and sometimes just spectacular!
