afternoon smoke rose from a nearby controlled stubble fire. That’s
just one reason the sky stays hazy. The other is local and regional wildfires.
black hawthorn jelly I made Tuesday tastes fine but crystallized. I guess a lot
of things can go wrong in the jelly-making process, but I believe I should have
heated the juice to boiling before adding the sugar and then then cooked it more
rapidly. The addition of lemon juice might also have helped. It was an
experiment, and I’ll try again. Sometimes we understand the process better as
a result of failure.
we walked Wednesday morning, I could hear what sounded like a logging truck
coming closer and closer. Nellie wondered about it, too. Finally we could see
the dust coming our way, and then they turned onto our road – two white
pick-ups and a big, loud sprayer.
they approached, they slowed to allow me to control the dogs. The beauty of
walking the dogs here is that I don’t have to worry about “traffic,” but it was
clear that we were the ones who would have to give place. I stepped into the
field with Nellie obediently at my side, but Bess was curious and it took a
second or two to get her attention.They sprayed the CRP ground at Plank's place and also on June's.
I’m on staycation while others are vacationing, I don’t much think I should
have to work, but on the other hand, there are always things to be done – like
the dishes and the garden duties. I’ve kept up pretty well with the activities
of daily living, but the last several days I’ve worked from a list in order to accomplish
a few goals – like cleaning off the bed in the sewing room.
so Wednesday – a day that quickly became hot – found me ironing my mother’s vintage
tablecloths used at our picnic last summer. I had washed them and then left
them on the bed in the sewing room to be ironed at a time when it wasn’t hot. But when the weather cooled, we didn’t spend much time at the
farm. So here I was -- a whole year later, ironing on a hot day. I finished
clearing the bed, too, because it must double as work space and storage, which
means it will be cluttered again soon.
was still 80 at 9:30 last night. The dogs didn’t want to go to bed and I
couldn’t blame them. I found it hard to sleep myself. I decided it was time to return to town. KW
[Nellie and Bess both love apples. If you're a dog, once you bite your apple and pieces drop to the ground, you are duty-bound to share it. The other pictures are of Bess. She does point but doesn't hold very long. I'm sure they are going to enjoy working her in the field beginning next month.]
Ack! That smoke is just terrible. It's been sprinkling over the last 24 hours and man is it MUGGY here!