Thursday, November 7, 2013


Today was one of my favorite pre-holiday events -- the 13-hour bake sale at our local Rosauer's store. I invited by best beau to accompany me, and he decided to combine our shopping trip with geocaching.

I guess we set out about 10:00, leaving the dogs behind in the house. Our first stop was at this community events calendar at Airport Park at the top of Bryden Canyon Grade. This is at least the third time we've stopped here and we still didn't find the cache.

Next stop: Rosauer's. With list in hand, I grabbed one of those little short carts -- I love those! -- and by the time we were finished it was packed full. I took three Rosauer's paper sacks from my stash and that was only half enough. Sugar, flour, baking chips, coconut, two varieties of apples, oranges, pears, butter -- etc., etc. It's a great sale -- but these are not the only good deals we see before the holidays. I couldn't help but think as I shopped that I was depriving myself of dishes at Albertson's. Oh well.

We loaded our sacks into the back of the pick-up, and then we went on to search for another cache we haven't found -- and we didn't find it today. But then we tried for a three-level multi-cache, and we did find those.

It started at this dog-friendly park on Warner . . .

and ended here at the walking trail next to the Idaho Fish and Game office.

It wasn't really good caching weather -- had started to rain. And by that time it was after noon and we were both hungry. So, we went back home.

Bess greeted us with puppy enthusiasm. Nellie was glad to see me, too, because she wanted to tattle on Bess. "Look what Bess did!" she said, and  she handed me the tooled leather case Mike made to carry the choke tubes for his shotgun. "I told her not to," she added. "I told her I was gonna tell."

Oh yes, Mike was angry and let Bess know -- but I was amazed at how quickly he recovered -- tossing the case away while making plans to construct a replacement.

So, apparently Bess had had a little party while we were gone. She also pulled Mike's empty hot chocolate cup off the sofa and drug the little rug away from the wood stove.

After lunch I had to fit those groceries into my pantry. Mike offered to help, but I prefer to work alone when I need to clean things out.

And here they are -- the two dogs -- napping after a morning of revelry. KW


  1. I think Bess should lose her in home privileges when the humans are away. Did Nellie really hand over the thing Bess chewed?

  2. Nellie likes to hand something to us when we come in. She'll grab foot gear or a glove -- something like that. So yes, she handed me the chewed up leather case.

    I agree that the dogs don't need to stay in the house -- and/or we could pick up a bit before we leave, which is what we did last night. They stayed in the house without incident.

  3. I think Nellie can stay in the house but this Bess sounds like a trouble maker.

  4. Bessie Boo is a PUPPY! Just wait till you have a puppy . . .

  5. Yes, Bessie Boo is a puppy, and she's behaving like one. Good thing they're so cute!! Nellie's behavior is a hoot! After she gave you the chewed up leather case, did she give Bess the stink eye, stick up her nose, and go lay down with a decidedly superior air?

  6. I have to think that Nellie knew Bess had done wrong. Nellie has learned her lessons well. She learned quickly because she has a more timid nature. But -- the case had been left on the floor and they are just naturally attracted to leather.

    In his disgust, Mike threw the case away. I retrieved it, thinking he could use it as a pattern for another. He decided I was right and we put it back in the office. Next thing we knew, Bess had it again.

    The great thing about pups (and babies) is their enthusiasm for life, and that's infectious. And they are cute! With her tail cut short and her ears cut long, and her snout growing out, Bess is really cute! And she seems to have springs in her legs. She bounces along when she moves, hence the name "Bouncy Bessie Boo."
