Friday, December 20, 2013


"The moon on the breast of the new-fallen snow gave a luster of midday to objects below. . ."

Mike and I met with old friends and colleagues for a noon-time chili feed yesterday (Dec. 19). After that we shopped for supplies and groceries to see us through the holidays. And then - once at home - we started packing in earnest. As I loaded the boxes, Mike carried them to the pick-up. (And yes, it does become confusing.)

We let ourselves have a break last night, but this morning we were up and at the packing again. Mike finally reached the plumber, who had apparently forgotten our appointment and made other arrangements. We deemed it too late to turn back and stay another day in town, so we decided to come to the farm and make the best of it. 

Gilbert Grade was snow floor (or ice) but had been graveled. We only slipped a bit once. On top, it was obvious it had snowed since our trip in on Monday. The forecast is for a snow storm this afternoon and through the night -- and indeed, it has begun. We're thinking our holiday guests, Hallie and Nick, might have to park at the neighbor's and come the rest of the way by 4-wheel. We'll see. . . 

I felt like I was packing everything but the kitchen sink, and I can tell you, there are food items I wish I had, but we won't starve for quite a while. The thing is -- it's difficult to get here, but when I look out at the white, I just feel so happy.

Long story short: the water is on, the leak doesn't seem too bad, and Mike fixed the commode in the main bath upstairs to which he transferred the tank from downstairs. And -- we have internet. It appears at this time that things are better than we had expected.  

Ina is sitting in the corner of the dining room sewing away on a dress for Ruth. We'll talk about that later.

Onward . . . KW


  1. What was Bess' first reaction to snow? Does she like the snowball game as much as Nellie?

  2. Bess doesn't mind the snow at all. She's been out to play several times. However, she has an abrasion above her front paw -- probably caught it on barbed wire -- and Mike is keeping her in as much as he can because he doesn't think the snow and cold is good for it.

    She's good to play by herself. We haven't played the snowball game with her.
