Saturday, January 4, 2014


We had a few reasons to make a trip to the farm. First and foremost, we were concerned about a package that was supposed to have been delivered there, and as long as we needed to check on that, Mike could bring back his bicycle and practice shooting with his shotgun and his pistol. And I had more clean laundry to return. So yes, we could make the trip count. And besides – it just never hurts to check on things.

We set off this morning after we had breakfasted, which wasn’t early, and arrived at Gilbert at 10:15. It was a beautifully sunny day at 33 degrees. Freeze/thaw conditions have caused the snow to dwindle and also made that under-layer slick.

We found no package, but it’s understandable that UPS wouldn’t have tackled our icy lane. In fact, the neighbor’s grandson said he had seen the UPS truck drive to the bottom of the road and turn around without attempting the lane. We don’t blame him, but the question is, where is the package?

It was fairly windy in town yesterday and apparently the Gilbert area also had some wind. We righted garbage cans, picked up trash, and noted a fir limb on the ground in the grove.

Though a beautiful day, it was cold, so it wasn’t exactly comfortable. Mike set up his clay pigeon thrower and I stomped it so that he could pretend he was shooting chukars. In between stomps, I took pictures of him. Of course, the best poses would have been while I stomped, but stomping and holding the camera steady wasn't going to happen. But isn't little Bess cute? Nellie knows better than to get too close. She stayed back with me. 

In my free time, I checked the pantry and packed up short-dated or outdated food, oils that would freeze, open packages, etc. I also packed liquid soaps, candles and other items to be used up in town during the winter.

Bess followed Mike around just to see what he would do and she also enjoyed the opportunity to run over the fields. Nellie is not so energetic but seemed also to enjoy being outside. She and I took a nice walk around the pond.

We were ready to leave about 12:30. On that first steep pitch out of the yard, the Dakota slid and went crosswise the lane, but fortunately we weren’t stuck. Mike was able to right us and get us on our way.

We stopped to pick up a sub for lunch and arrived back at the town house about 2:15. I sorted, tossed and stored the pantry items I brought back and started the Saturday laundry while Mike power-washed the Dakota. Now we have a cheery fire in the little wood stove while a tasty soup simmers on the stove in the kitchen. It was a good day – a productive day. KW


  1. sounds a productive day - hope you find your package

  2. Oh, I love that first picture at the top!! It's absolutely perfect.

    As a matter of fact, your whole day, except for the missing package, sounds perfect! What kind of soup?

  3. You have a couple very pretty, artistic shots. How fortunate to be surrounded by such beauty!

  4. We didn't realize that one of our families was sending our gift to the farmhouse. Very thoughtful of them, but it didn't work out. It's smaller than a breadbox and not perishable, they say, so hopefully this will come out all right in the end.

    I have learned to take many pictures during the snow season so that (hopefully) I have a choice for my Christmas card. The subject is always the same, so I try to be imaginative.

    Chris, the soup was made with chukar meat. I used the seasoning packet from ramen soup and a pkg of Lipton noodle soup and added mixed vegetables, peas, and corn -- also a few kidney beans. The I added a can of cream of chicken soup to give the broth a little more body. It was good -- still eating it.
