Tuesday, April 1, 2014


I can't remember if March came in like a lion or like a lamb, but yesterday it went out rather mildly. We did have a shower late afternoon, and while it rained, the sun still shone -- a typical spring phenomenon. The picture above is just a scene from our neighborhood. You can see that the flowering trees are budding out.

Mike went on a long bicycle ride, so I took Nellie and Bess for their afternoon walk. Bess loves to practice her hunting skills . . .  

. . . and Nellie just saunters along doing as she pleases.

Often on our walk in this rural neighborhood we see a herd of eleven or twelve mule deer. Yesterday I captured this picture of them, but of course, they weren't really close. KW

1 comment:

  1. I went for a walk today, too, but no doggies. Was a perfect day to be out.
