called Tuesday (May 27). An emergency had necessitated the removal of some raspberry
canes, he said, and I went to get them. It was great timing. At the farm on Wednesday, I
continued to weed the raspberry patch and then I set what looked to be the best
of the canes. I didn’t have a lot of room since the patch is coming back better
than I anticipated.
been cool here at the farm. Mike lit a fire Wednesday afternoon (May 28) and I
baked cookies – just for heat from the oven, of course. Thursday, the day was a
little warmer. My laundry dried on the line, but we were cold overnight. So, I
fixed the bed with covers and we were too warm last night. That’s spring in the
Inland Northwest.
afternoon (Friday, May 30), Mike left for a bike ride to Nezperce, and that means
that the dogs and I take a walk. Actually, after playing all morning, the dogs were
tired and not too interested in walking, but when I appeared in my visor, Nellie
got to her feet and Bess came from the doghouse where she had been napping.
inner voice spoke: “It’s almost the first of June and time to be watching for
snakes.” I can’t be paranoid about the snakes or I’d never leave the house, but
it’s good to be watchful.
were halfway on the return when once again I thought of the warning to be
dogs apparently took no notice of the snakes. I think Bess
was traveling in the field, and Nellie must have skirted around it.
Nevertheless, I was hurrying to find them when I came to a second snake on the
other side of the road – this one moving along but ready to coil. I took my cue
and left.
was relieved to see both dogs at the house drinking water as if nothing were
amiss. Mike was home within minutes but naturally when we went back to the
lane, the rattlesnakes were nowhere to be seen. My dad would have searched for
them, hoe in hand. KW