Sunday, May 18, 2014

"A glorious day is dawning"

We were at the farm ten days. If I had realized we would actually stay that long, I would have taken a lot more food and perhaps more books and projects. This stay was proof that all of that is unnecessary if we’re willing to make do. Yes, we had to go to town for staples, but even that is less stressful than trying to anticipate all of our needs.

In previous years, other activities have prevented our visiting the farm during the weeks of springtime bloom. This stay was memorable for the progressive bud and bloom of the fruiting trees. (At this altitude, spring comes several weeks later than in town.)

I’ve already mentioned the serviceberry bushes. I saw them in full bloom and now that phase is passing. . .
.  . . and the hawthorns are coming into bloom. I discovered hawthorn jelly last year. I suppose it’s questionable that it’s worth the effort – the flavor is rather insipid. Still, I feel virtuous making the stuff.
I don’t recall ever seeing the apple trees in bloom but before we left, they were beautiful. I didn’t know the blossoms were pink. The “awesome” apple tree at the bottom of the lane was – well, awesome.
And my favorite “pine-apple” tree on the lane showed beautiful pink blossoms amongst the pine boughs.

The pear tree came into full bloom the other day and not to disparage its beauty or sincerity, I have seen it more gloriously full of blossoms. Undoubtedly some cold spell affected it. If the crop is reduced this year – good! I’d rather buy pears than deal with the temperamental fruit.

Judging by the blossoms, we’ll have Italian prunes this year. Some years we don’t.

I had a great crop of raspberries last year, but at the end of the season, I didn’t think the plants looked so good. I don’t want to move the patch and start over. This has been hard enough as it is. So, last fall we expanded the present patch with some new starts. This year the plants look good but the berry crop may be decreased. I spent a lot of time weeding the patch so that I was able to fertilize and water.

Finally the lilacs I’ve worked so hard to establish are beginning to bloom. It’s been one step forward and two back for years. Apparently our deer don’t know that they aren’t supposed to be interested in lilacs.

And last but not least – our little Montmorency cherry tree. Last week I was concerned about it, but before we left, it rewarded me by showing forth more splendid blossoms than ever before. Last year’s crop was a cup of cherries which I made into a sauce and served at Christmas. It was delicious. This year, we might just get a good crop of cherries – perhaps enough for two pies and some sauce.

Thanks for stopping by to visit. Have a good day! KW


  1. I bet the cherry tree is happy due to the vermicompost I put on it last year. :)

  2. Certainly the vermicompost contributed to the happiness of the cherry tree -- and also the tree spikes. And -- with a fruit tree, you always have to consider that the developing buds got caught in a cold spell.

  3. Kathy, raspberries like well-drained soil, so make sure they are in such a place. :~)

  4. I still think you're amazing for making jelly! All that extra work--I'm a lazy jam girl. :-)

  5. Thanks, drMolly. My raspberry patch is on a bank, and it's probably as good soil as I've got. At any rate, we'll just continue to see how it goes. We have lots of new canes, but it's possible they didn't get enough water at some point.

    Hi Chris! The problem with the jelly is that we don't eat much of it. I'm not even sure we should eat it. It's just fun to taste it.
