Tuesday, June 17, 2014


I love the evening light. As the sun sets, it seems to work magic on whatever color we have. This year we sit in the midst of wheat fields which are still intensely green.

I always look out in the evening before the sun sets to see what I can see. Last night I saw a deer just to the west of the pond grazing in the wheat and decided to see if I could get a picture. "Sure you can," said Mike; "she'll watch you for at least five seconds before she runs."

Quietly I opened the door, crept out onto the porch, and quickly snapped a picture. She was still there, so I crept further out to the edge of the porch. She lifted her head, and I heard Mike say from inside the house, "Take it now." So, I took another.

Then she ran off, wise enough to head for the draw. KW

1 comment:

  1. Such great pictures! Deer can be such pests, but I do love to see them. We are so blessed to live in such an incredibly beautiful area.
