Thursday, July 3, 2014


Just as we winterize the farmhouse, I suppose it could be said that we summerize. Yesterday Mike went to the attic, opened the window on the north side and the attic fan on the south. That was the first day (July 2) that we’ve run the attic fan this year. He also set up the hammock.

It would be a hot day, so when Mike announced an early hike around the field (south and then west), I went along. We hike out that way only occasionally, so I paused often to take pictures.

And now that it’s hot, the grain is ripening quickly. It almost seems like I can watch it turn from green to gold. And the canola fields, such as you see here on Central Ridge, will soon lose their fluorescent luster.

And not only the grain is ripening but cherries and berries, too. Here's a serviceberry bush (at least, I think it's a serviceberry) located to the west of the house.           


Yesterday was also a work day because Sylvan’s Furniture out of Lewiston delivered our new mattress and an ottoman for the living room. The delivery truck arrived earlier than I expected -- 11:15 -- just as I finished readying the old mattress and box springs for removal. Many folks coming here get lost and call for directions, even with GPS, but those guys had no trouble.

Naturally, the new mattress is so nice. It is a challenge, however, to put a new mattress on an antique bed frame. Mike found some odds and ends of boards in the barn which he laid vertically along the frame. That raised the mattress enough so that it’s supported. Thankfully, we bought the narrow platform. Without that, we’d have to pole vault into bed.

I’m not proud of the fact that I put my feet on the coffee table. My mother would not allow it because it ruins the finish, she said. But my short legs don’t reach the floor and I brace them on the edge of the table, and -- you guessed it -- I ruined the finish on our coffee table. I felt really guilty about it until one day I realized: IT'S MY TABLE! and I'm only responsible to myself. (Okay -- sometimes Mike.) But – an ottoman solves the whole problem. It stores afghans and throws; it provides work space and a platform for food; AND – I can put my feet on it. The previous ottoman – a small “cheapy” – was moved to the front porch to serve as a table.

I thought the morning hike would serve as THE walk for the day, but Mike and the dogs wanted another in the afternoon. On hot days, the thunderheads build and indeed, storm clouds developed. There was no rain but some distant lightning and thunder during the early morning hours.

As we walked back up the lane, Nellie's presence disturbed a rattlesnake in the tall grass beside the road. I could hear it rattle and called her back. Mike tried to locate it with his walking stick but we couldn't see it. KW


  1. An ottoman table/storage: GENIUS!

  2. I put my feet on the furniture. It's mine and I can do what I like. :-) Growing up it was indeed a no-no, so this is my rebellion. Hard core, aren't I? LOL

    Can you turn over the tops on your new ottoman and have either the soft top or a tray on each side?

  3. I had been thinking about this piece of furniture for years and was so glad I remembered to buy it so that it would be included in this delivery.

    Oh Chris! I'm so glad to know that you are rebellious, too. One of my "motherly" friends told me that all I need to do is take my shoes off when I put my feet up. Too late.

    That's right -- two top units are the same -- the padded side turns over to be a tray.
