has adventure goals that I don’t share, and we have a family (some people call
them dogs) that tie us down somewhat. So, I tell Mike, “You go – and I’ll stay
and take care of the dogs.” I’m not really a pet person, but the last two dogs
(Nellie and Bess) have accepted my awkward dog ways and even feel some
responsibility for my well-being.
Several year ago, Mike began taking motorcycle trips, and I kept Nellie at
the town house. Then, when Bess joined us last year, keeping the two of them in
town just seemed too difficult. So, I learned that I can indeed load the
pick-up, coax the dogs to jump in with the supplies, and take care of all three
of us at the farmhouse.
left Tuesday (Sept. 9) – seems a hundred years ago now – to moto-cache Colorado
with son Yancey. Through the magic of cell phone technology, I’ve heard from
him daily, and I’m happy to report that neither one of us experienced an
took me two hours to pack the pick-up with all sorts of things in addition to regular supples – my Bernina 630;
embroidery toolbox; sewing “project box;” and lots of extras in case embroidery
plans fell through (but they didn’t). I set up the sewing machine on Grandma
Ina’s pantry hutch in the dining room, put my laptop on the ottoman in the
living room, and covered the dining room table with my “Halloween Masquerade”
quilt which is still a work in progress. While my sewing machine chugged away
on a special Halloween free-standing lace project, I did handwork on the center
of the quilt. I made good progress on both projects during our six-day stay.
-- dogs are a solemn responsibility – and they make sure I take them seriously.
Mike walks them almost first thing every morning, so they expect that. (He says
the walk is to limber his back and not for the dogs, but they know otherwise.) Then
on Day 1, I decided that we should take a noon hike, and if you know dogs, you
know that they don’t forget an activity they enjoyed, and they tell time by the
sun – so we had a noon hike every day. And of course, we always walk prior to
suppertime – always. The exercise is good for me, but it does make me feel that
my life revolves around the dogs’ schedule, which, of course, it does.
good staycations must come to an end, and today was the day. The dogs knew what
was up the minute I started packing. Nellie watched through the dining room
window as I put the last items in the pick-up. When I said it was time to go,
she marched straight out the kitchen door and jumped to her place. The set of her jaw said she was none too happy about it.
now we’re back at the town house – all three of us tired, all three of us
waiting . . . KW
That Bess!
ReplyDelete"That Bess!" And then, when she came, she parked herself at the door of the woodshed, as though she would go to the doghouse if she could get in there. Again, I insisted on her jumping into the pick-up, which she finally did.
ReplyDeleteI thought maybe she just didn't like to ride in the pick-up, but as we now know, she's plenty happy to hop in -- and even sleep there --if she thinks she's going hunting. So we have determined that she really does hate to leave the farm.
I'm at Clint's tonight and can hardly wait to get back home. This is the longest time I've been away from my "girls" and I really miss them.
ReplyDeleteMike, I hope Kathy's included in the "girls!" LOL
ReplyDeleteI think you're amazing, Kathy, to take the dogs and stay at the farm. I know the sewing/embroidery plans help fill in the time, but still, I think you're amazing!! Well done!
Thank you, Chris! And I think you're amazing. You actually read those manuals, get the most out of your machines, and what comes out of your sewing room is truly beautiful. You are amazing in more ways than one.
ReplyDeleteYes, there could be something I'd have to deal with. That can happen anyplace. And you know, even though it's a small community, it is home to some people, and I decided that if it's my home, too, I shouldn't think twice about being there.
But, as you've probably guessed, I'm ready for Mike to come home -- yesterday!