Sunday, October 12, 2014


Ken and Ginny gifted us with a set of pictures of the farm taken from the helicopter on Thursday, October 9. Here are those landmarks I photograph constantly from a different perspective. Here you see June's field with Little Canyon and Central Ridge in the distance. This is where we take our daily walks.

This is the only photo I cropped. See the little spot in the lower left corner? That's Mike and me.
 From over the north field
 And this is from the southwest -- behind the house and grove. You can barely make out the tiny spot -- Mike and me -- below the scab patch in June's field.
I like this picture. See the lane coming between the north field (left) and June's field (right). The house is situated so that the front porch looks towards June's field. The kitchen window faces the north field. This picture shows clearly that Jack and Ina, my grandparents, built their farmyard at the very edge of their property.

The fields are stubble at this time of year. I call it colorless. 
And now -- picture us waving frantically as the 'copter moved off toward Little Canyon.

Thanks for coming!