Tuesday, November 11, 2014


Rumors that cold temps would come suddenly have been heard for weeks while moderate temps continued. I was lulled into thinking that winter might not come this year. Checking the 10-day forecast late Saturday night, I was stunned to see an extended period of temps with highs in the 30s, lows in the teens and 20s.  

“We’d better get up to the farmhouse and drain the pipes,” said Mike from the bedroom door Sunday morning.

“When,” I asked, thinking of my busy sewing schedule.

“NOW,” was his response, “before it rains.”

I’m a cheerful riser but I like a leisurely morning. I don’t like to be pushed. Nevertheless, I got dressed, made the bed, ate a light breakfast, and we were out the door. But the rain began before we reached the highway.

Despite the rain, it was a beautiful autumn drive up the Clearwater River where trees and shrubs were garbed in mostly yellow foliage. As we drove, we enjoyed the most recent Car Talk episode -- Ray’s tribute to his late brother Tom.

It was still raining in earnest when we reached the farmhouse. I could hear the water running from the roof into the cistern, a blessing for next summer’s gardening efforts. It sounded wonderful!

Mike and I set about our chores. Taking advantage of this extra trip, I packed my Bernina 430 for town, along with some sewing projects I’ll want for January and February. Yes, I’m already thinking in terms of what simply can’t get finished before Christmas and planning my winter projects. And as my mind worked on these things, it occurred to me that maybe I could set up the 430 with the 630 and operate two machines in my little sewing studio. Yes, folks – two machines can run at once. While the 630 embroiders on its own, “Mrs. Claus" could operate the 430 to make doll clothes and such. The room is just so small . . .

I was reminded of Mike’s cousin, Nell, and her husband Paul. Paul was a woodworker, and he customized a wonderful sewing room for Nell, which she showed me when we visited in Arkansas in the late ‘80s. The room was a sewist’s dream, including a large island work table with storage for fabric underneath, a wall of built-ins, and a counter for the machine that afforded additional work space. Nell was rightly proud as she showed it off, and I was green with envy. I think, though, that such a room happens for very few of us sewists. Most of us have to make do one way or another. (By the way, both Nell and Paul are gone now, but we don’t have to wonder if another sewist is enjoying Nell’s sewing room. The house burned down while they still lived there.)
I did set up both machines. I inched my present sewing table closer to the door. Then I set up another table behind it so that my chair swivels between the two. It’s crowded all right, but it’s workable. KW


  1. It LOOKS cold! I'm home with my cold again today and it's a beautiful day. Some of the trees still have bright leaves, but I realized that some of the trees are completely naked. It's been hard to accept the change of summer to fall this year, but it's happened and winter is considering an arrival, too.

  2. Good going, Mrs. Claus. I, too, have been thinking Christmas. And I need to get on it! Been busy with other stuff, and I still need to finish the baby quilt. Time to get with the program!

  3. It just seems like the change in seasons comes suddenly any more -- no matter when it happens. Instead of a gentle cooling, we have temps in the 70s one week plunging into freezing temps the next.

    Get plenty of liquids, Hallie, and some chicken noodle soup or broth.

    Hi Chris! I had such fun! The 630 made a snowflake while I sat at the 430 with a mending project. Not having to switch back and forth from the embroidery module to regular sewing is a boon.

    Christmas comes early. The silent auction is just a week away.
