Thursday, December 18, 2014


Mike and I came back to town yesterday (Dec. 17) after spending two days at the farm. While there, I organized supplies and baked spicy ginger cut-out cookies and banana bread. On Tuesday we had a skiff of snow which was gone by mid-day, but I did get some nice pictures.

Mike set up our new weather station, installing the wind gauge on the windmill at the pond. With the previous weather station, you may recall, he climbed to the top of the barn roof to install the weather gauge, which eventually quit operating. I was relieved that he thought of another option for this unit. It helps that it has greater range.

Today I met with sisters Joni and Harriet for lunch and the exchange of small gifts. This year we gave each other Christmas ornaments. Harriet also entrusted to me this crocheted Christmas pin which Mother made for her back in the day. As you’ll recall, earlier in this advent series we discussed the mid-century popularity of the Christmas corsage and how Mother had made those. Harriet says this pin was Mother’s transition from the foil-based corsage to the pin, and then she showed us her (Harriet's) collection of other Christmas pins. Joni said that Mother never made her a corsage. I think she’s just forgotten, don’t you?
My outing included shopping. I was inspired by Christmas decorations at a décor shop and frustrated by all the shoppers at Walmart. At Albertson’s I found the holiday teas – at last! – and bought some whether I needed them or not.

Mike and Ken went hunting today, and when I returned home, I saw right away that Nellie was conspicuously absent. Consulting Mike, he related that Nellie had torn her leg badly and was at the vet’s. He didn’t see it happen, he said – just discovered she was injured during the hunt.

 Well, Nellie is home this evening, groggy from her surgical repair. She had a physical exam prior to surgery and the vet says she’s in great shape for an old working dog. Of course, Nellie is feeling sorry for herself and favoring her leg. Her activities will be curtailed for a while, but she will be fine. She’s counting the days until she can tell Hallie all about this harrowing experience. KW


  1. My POOR baby!!! Oh, my broken heart. I will hug her better.

  2. Nellie is feeling a little better this morning. She drank some water and ate a little. She's watching and knows what's happening but continues to rest on her pillow.

  3. Is it her right front leg that is hurt? Was there tendon damage or merely a flesh wound?

  4. Yes, it's her right front leg. No tendon damage -- just had to have torn flap of skin stitched.

    Nellie came to life this afternoon. Once she got outside, she was pleasantly surprised to discover she isn't crippled. She began walking on all fours and exercised well. Back at the house, she had a bath, which she enjoyed. (Bess had one, too.)

  5. I saw Joni yesterday at Safeway and she mentioned your lunch. It was nice to see her and be able to wish her a Merry Christmas.

  6. Oh! I'm glad you happened to see Joni, and I know she enjoyed meeting you, too. I miss the "old days" when Joni and I were Santa's elves.
