Wednesday, December 10, 2014


About 1920, when I was ten years old, we moved to Brown and “C” Streets, [which continued to be the Portfors’ home until 1965]. 

One Christmas Eve in the early ‘20s, we came home from church and without any explanation our mom and dad got out our gifts and gave them to us. So, we brought out our gifts to them and ever after that our gift exchange was Christmas Eve instead of Christmas morning. 

Mother & her brother, Porkie -- 1927
As we became teen-agers, we took an active part in Christmas. My brother and I went out on the hill and brought home a tree. I helped decorate it and we began putting it in a day or two ahead of Christmas Eve. 

Things went on much the same until Fairly Walrath and I were married in 1929. We had a small tree in our room. We had Christmas Eve with my folks and Christmas Day with his folks and Christmas dinner with his parents or my parents. When we lived on “F” Street the decorated tree and now a string of lights on the tree were still our only decorations.

Thursday, Dec. 10, 1896 -- on this date at Gilbert:
No freeze last night. Windy from N.E. Chinook. Helped Jack [my grandfather] put in windows. Director made out order for school books. Ben sent to Montgomery Ward Co.
~M. L. Dickson

[The photo above is of the Julian "Jack" Dobson home taken Christmas Day, 1920. At the time of this picture, the family was living in a new farmhouse, built in 1917, but the house in the picture is the one that Jack was building in 1896.] KW

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