Sunday, December 28, 2014


The Pond

We didn’t have a lot to carry back to town on account of Christmas, but every year when we close the house for the winter we just naturally have things we want in town – yarn, guns, fabric, books, a bicycle or two – and lots of food. The farmhouse refrigerator has to be cleaned out and turned off, and certain things should be removed because of the cold.

So, we brought a load of stuff to town yesterday (Saturday, Dec. 27), arriving about 11:00. I set to work immediately to unpack and start the laundry.

The initial plan was that we would spend New Year’s at the farm so that I could take the tree down, pick up and put away, pack boxes, etc., but upon closer scrutiny of the weather forecast, we saw that it would be COLD – lows hovering at 0, highs at 10 or so. We began to re-think, eventually concluding that we should head right back out to the farm this morning to finish the weatherization.

So, after breakfast, we loaded the laundry, coolers, boxes, Bess and Nellie, and were on our way. The weather worsened as we neared Orofino and the Gilbert Grade became snow floor. It was slick and driving somewhat tedious. How grateful I was that our holiday travelers hadn't had to contend with this, but oh! It was beautiful! On top, we were breaking trail as we wended our way to the farm.

At the farmhouse, we set right to work. First I unloaded the refrigerator while Mike found heaters and extension cords. Then I moved to the pantry where I pulled out and packed all open products, oils, and other foodstuffs to use up over the winter. Mike got the 4-wheeler and brought the storage boxes for the tree from the barn.

It began to snow – lightly at first and then harder. It was clear I would need to abbreviate the undecorating process. Instead of putting the ornaments away, I carefully laid them on the ottoman trays, then covered them with towels. Mike helped me take the tree apart and store it in the boxes which he then returned to the barn. I hope Christmas 2015 sees us with a new tree. This one should be replaced.

While Mike drained the pipes, etc., I changed the lights in the kitchen window, took the wreath from the front door, and removed the artificial wreaths from the dormer windows. There’s plenty still to do, but it can wait until spring, if necessary.

An estimated 5-6 inches of snow was on the ground as we left the farm. While we were there, the snowplow came down the road and turned around at our lane. Road conditions were better on the return trip, and the snow turned to rain halfway down the grade.
Arriving back at the town house about 2:30, Mike unloaded the pick-up and asked what he could do to help me.

“Watch football,” I said.

“You want me to watch football?” he questioned.

“Yes,” I answered, “because you aren’t going to like what you’ll see me doing.” He didn’t argue but went off to sit by the fire and watch football.

So, for the next hour I unpacked, consolidated, and tossed. It's the tossing part that Mike wouldn't have liked, but sometimes it feels so right to do it. KW

1 comment:

  1. And a good day of watching football it was!!

    I am the tosser at our house and I love doing it. Less is definitely more as far as I'm concerned. I need to go through our pantry, too. Maybe later today.

    Gorgeous photos. We were supposed to get lots of snow here, but only 2-3" showed up. Still, it's lovely and now with the cold, should last a while.
