Wednesday, January 14, 2015


Any excuse to get out of the house seems to include geocaching.

Mike is now scheduling “Dog Daze,” his wintertime volunteer activity wherein he takes one of the dogs to visit nursing / retirement homes. These days it’s Bess who serves as the visiting dog. While it’s not out of the realm of possibility that Nellie might also serve (she has in the past), she’s really quite happily retired. She would really rather sleep on her pillow while Bess is removed from the house. And Bess? – Bess just LOVES being the visiting dog. Her whole body wriggles in delight and her enthusiasm is infectious.

Mike and Bess had an appointment to “meet and greet” this morning, and on the way they dropped me at Goodwill. You see, I need a white, long-sleeved blouse for an event next week. Such a blouse used to be a staple in every well-dressed woman’s closet, but no more! (And that’s probably because we are no longer well-dressed.) I couldn’t find one in local shops, and ordering at this late date is problematic. At any rate, I did find a lovely ivory “Liz Claiborne” at Goodwill for $7.00. It will have to do.
Mike picked me up at Goodwill, but that was not the end of our outing. We found a geocache on O’Connor Road near the airport. As it happens, the sun is shining today – a winter rarity here -- and the view over Clarkston was beautiful. I didn’t have the camera with me, so I took these pictures with my phone. Then on the way home I found a micro geocache in Swallow's Nest Park that has been eluding him.

Closet cleaning continues. The trouble with cleaning is that it brings me face-to-face with my dreams and unfinished projects. I guess bringing them into focus is a good thing. I finished a doll afghan I started several years ago (see photo right). And once again I’m trying to gently whiten vintage pillowcases in varying stages of “worn out” so that I might re-purpose the embroidery – and that’s one of my dreams. After soaking and washing them in Borax and Woolite, the pillowcases are now drying in whatever sunshine we have left today. (Grandma's way of letting the sun bleach the whites is still recommended today.)
I have many more pillowcases to wash, but unfortunately there's rain in our forecast. Mike is taking advantage of this sunny day to clean the vehicles and then ride his bike. KW


  1. It's sunny here today and it's wonderful!! Hope it is there, too, and you can set out some more vintage linens for whitening. It's amazing how the sunlight works wonders on them and on us!

  2. We did have another sunny day today, and I draped another batch of hand-embroidered pillowcases over my wooden rack. I learned the last time that trying to laundry them all at once is a mistake.

    Yes, sunlight is so good for us, but often we don't get a lot this time of year.
