Thursday, April 16, 2015


Can you believe that Day 6 has come and gone already? Hopefully, just three more days to go.

We enjoyed a morning walk in the gulley. I stayed on the trail while Bess and Nell explored. Once we come out on the upper end, we’re about a block from our house. The day was sunny and bright but still cold, so upon returning from the walk, I lit a fire in the stove.

I decided I’d better accomplish a little housework, so I cleaned the kitchen utensil drawer. I only have four drawers in my kitchen, and they are barely deep enough to accommodate my stuff. Well, at least it’s clean now. Oh – and I washed a load of towels and ran the dishwasher. I was busy!

One of these bears is not like the others . . .
I finished the handwork on the Halloween quilt, so I’m as ready as I’ll ever be to begin quilting by machine – a simple stitch in the ditch. And I finished embroidering faces on all forty teddy bear squares. I’m so proud of myself for being systematic with this project. Can you guess the next step?

Bess loves this old soccer ball
Today’s gift was delivered – Sewing with Vintage Linens by Samantha McNesby. And I ordered the “Instant Pot” that Chris reviewed (see post here). My thinking was that I should order it today in order to have it Friday so that I can use it to cook Mike’s supper on Saturday.

Mike called this evening to report a rough day, but he and the motorcycle were fine. KW


  1. I see the baby Waldo in the gully photo! Miss Bess is always gazing at the camera.

  2. Oh, I do hope you love your Instant Pot! Did it arrive today? (Love Amazon Prime!)

    And I'm guessing your next step on the bear afghan will be to join the squares?

    And lastly, hurrah for your clean utensil drawer! I'm certain you felt very virtuous when you were done. :-)
