Tuesday, August 11, 2015


Loading the Triumph onto the trailer
Mike and I have just returned from a nine-day stay with our Colorado son Yancey and family. The purpose of the trip was to finish the Colorado counties moto-caching challenge (traveling to geocaches on a motorcycle and successfully logging one cache in each county). I’m happy to report that this mission was accomplished. It cost two years of intense planning, two trips to Colorado, 5300 miles on the motorcycle, beautiful scenery, and experiences positive and negative.

Emmy and Bess
Traveling the interstate on a motorcycle is tedious, so this year Mike trailered his Triumph, pulling it with our old Dakota. And so, it morphed into an opportunity for me and the dogs to go. The family graciously allowed us to stay at their house where I set up my sewing operation on their dining room table and walked the dogs three and four times a day.

If you check here frequently, you know that what I left behind was the muse. The muse disappears in times of stress, and it wasn’t an easy trip.

We left Thursday, July 30 – seems like a hundred years ago. The first day we stopped in Twin Falls, Idaho, and as we settled into the motel, Mike discovered he had inadvertently left his driver’s license at home. As luck would have it, son Clint was in town and agreed to overnight it to Colorado. It was waiting for us when we arrived on Saturday.

Okay – so that was the first challenge. The second was a fire on I-80 that held us up for 90 minutes on that hot Friday afternoon near Rock Springs, Wyoming. We sat with the eastbound traffic watching from a distance as a semi burned – and did it ever burn!

Bess and Nellie in Wyoming
We were going to spend the night in Rock Springs but decided it was too early to stop. We drove a couple more hours to Rawlins. Checking email, I panicked when I saw a message from Sears stating that they would exchange the refrigerator on Monday, August 3. Frankly, we had given up on this since Sears had said they would call us July 14 to provide a delivery date, and that didn’t happen. Of course, we wouldn’t be home on the 3rd, but I was unable to log into the Sears site to make changes and no phone number was provided. Eventually we were able to reach Sears through the “800” customer service number. It wasn’t easy, but by pleading with the rep, Mike was able to get the date changed to Monday, August 17. (And now I have email confirmation of same.)

Well, as if that wasn't enough, we received a call from Mike’s sister advising us that their mother, Bennie, passed away that day (Friday, July 31) in Memphis, just 16 days short of her 101st birthday. Frankly, she left us years ago, so this was not unexpected or even sad. But – arrangements had to be made and discussion ensued. As it stands now, the memorial service will be Saturday, August 22, at her church home in Camden, Arkansas. Mike and sons Murray and Yancey will attend.
Yancey & Mike prepare to leave

Arriving in the Denver area on Saturday, August 1, we discovered that Yancey had just returned from a nine-day stay with a family member in crisis and would now have another week away from work in order to travel with Mike. He had it all worked out, but it was a strain on the family, and we’re grateful to all of them for making it possible to continue the moto-caching trip.

Mike with the final cache
We left Denver at 12:30 p.m. on Sunday, August 9, and drove to Rock Springs. We reached Boise mid-afternoon on Monday, and Mike said he felt good and thought we should continue home. I was overjoyed! “The dogs are being so good,” said Mike. “They know we’re going home,” I replied. Upon arriving here, Nellie was so happy that she actually ran. Bess also got out and explored but affirmed her love of the pick-up by hopping right back in. KW


  1. Welcome home! Truly, there's no place like home, and we've done the same thing--driving a long, long day just to get there.

  2. Whenever we get as far as Boise or Missoula, it always seems like we just as well drive on home, even though the driving is perhaps the most tedious of the trip. We both noted that traffic seemed especially light that Monday evening. Once we left the Boise area, we had very little going our way -- always a good thing.

    I remarked to Hallie from Rock Springs that if I were a very good girl, maybe God would allow me to be home by Tuesday. She replied that we were only 11 1/2 hours away -- one long grueling day of travel or two lighter ones. (I suppose she looked that up with some app.) It was actually 13 1/2 hours, what with construction and stops.

  3. Ah, home sweet home! Funny picture of Bess with Emmy.

  4. Bess and Emmy became friends, which did nothing to assuage Blanche's anger. Bess and Blanche had shouting matches complete with bared teeth.

  5. That is hilarious! I would have loved to see Bess with bared teeth.

  6. Well, I made light of it, but it was serious between the dogs. Nellie just ignored the little Bostons, but Bess stood ready to take them on. Abe was not as testy as Blanche, but he backed her.
