Tuesday, September 29, 2015


When daughter Hallie and Nick visited over Labor Day, Hallie was concerned that old dog Nellie didn't appear to be comfortable on the worn out old dog pillow. She said she had seen a memory foam dog pillow and wondered if Nellie would like it. So, I ordered one from Amazon. 

Two days later, Jeff (the UPS guy) delivered our memory foam pillow. Shopping by price tag, I had purchased one that wasn't big enough for two dogs at one time, but both Nellie and Bess tried it, depending on who got there first. As temps cooled a bit, Nellie began to make herself comfortable at the foot of the bed where I keep extra pillow in shams, leaving Bess to stretch out on the new dog pillow.

Yesterday it occurred to me that Nellie was really saying she didn't care too much for the memory foam pillow. It just doesn't have that cozy "give." I suggested to Mike that we bring down one of the big Costco pillows in storage. We did that, and Nellie immediately curled up on it for a nice long afternoon nap. Last night, Bess got to the pillow first and Nellie was a little put off by that, but eventually she pushed on, too. There's really room for two dogs on the big pillow.

This morning, Nellie opted to nap again on the big pillow instead of going for the morning walk.

So, I think it's clear that Nellie prefers that big Costco pillow. 

[The picture shows Nellie napping comfortably on a large Costco pillow. Also shown are the new memory foam dog pillow and one of the memory foam rugs the dogs used during the summer.]


  1. Sounds like Nellie likes her sleep! Me too. :-)

  2. She is a "pillow potato." After a hunt she needed a day to rest. Now she doesn't much care to hunt, but at the same time, she doesn't want to be left behind.

  3. Aw! What a bust. :( maybe we should just return that one on the premise that it looks nothing like the product photo.

  4. It's okay. It's essentially the product in the picture. And it will have its uses. I'm glad I bought it, though. I would not have posted Nellie's opinion if you had bought it.

  5. Oh, I would have found out. She and I stay in touch.

  6. Ha-ha! The German Shorthair mind meld, huh?
