Wednesday, November 25, 2015


So, Monday morning we finished stacking the wood and other yard chores and congratulated ourselves that we had finished in the nick of time. The forecast was for rain (or snow) on Tuesday (Nov. 24) followed by a cold snap. Over the next week, lows at Gilbert might be in the teens while highs would be at freezing or not much above. We would have to winterize the farmhouse before leaving – bummer!

But first, after lunch Mike decided to take Bess and go bird hunting. I said I would take Nellie for a walk. Nellie just doesn’t focus on hunting these days – is actually in the way – but she hates to be left behind. Mike and Bess went out behind the house to the canyon edge while Nellie and I headed south beyond the pond. Before long we met up with the hunters, and Nellie went on with them. Frankly, I didn’t care to keep up with the hunters, so I pursued my own course and took the pictures you see on this post.

As Mike says, the farm is not much fun when it rains or when the ground is soft and muddy. Going outside brings the necessity of cleaning boots and paws -- not fun. Actually, though, if it weren’t for that, the house is a nice place to be.

So, before we left, we shut off the water and drained the pipes. It sounds easy, but it requires a trip under the house and a few other distasteful chores. And of course, we aren't finished with the house yet -- not until after Christmas -- so we'll have to turn the water on and then winterize again.

We arrived in town about 5:00 – just about suppertime. The tendency on a chilly evening after hard work is to want creamed tuna on toast, which seems to be the ultimate comfort food for our household. However, it requires a tired “someone” to stand at the stove and stir the white sauce. This time, though, I was ready with a great alternative – frozen venison enchiladas. When I put them in the freezer, I said to myself that the night would come when I would be grateful, and I was right! It was no trouble to warm it, and it hit the spot. KW


  1. Such beautiful pictures!! I'm hard pressed to say which I like the best, but the last with the pine brances in the corner, wins!

  2. I try for a different take on the same scene. Nothing changes much. Thanks for continuing to come here to see new shots of the same scene.
