Monday, November 2, 2015


Decorations in place – check
Candy by the door – check
Chili ready for supper – check
Pumpkin dessert in the freezer – check
Ballgame on t.v. – check
Porch light on – check

But where were the ghouls, the goblins, the ghosts, and the witches?

I could blame the weather because by 6:15 it was raining, but the fact is we just don’t have trick-or-treaters in this neighborhood. The little girl next door used to come over to show us her costume and take away some candy, but ten years makes a lot of difference in the life of a child. She’s a high school senior now, coming and going in the big old pick-up her dad got for her.

Witch's boots from embroidery machine
And this isn’t the kind of neighborhood that would attract trick-or-treaters anyway. I wouldn’t trick-or-treat here either. Heck no! I’d go up to the “high rent” district on the golf course – or to some other “trophy house” neighborhood where the treats are bound to be better.

About 6:30, we were startled by a pounding at the door. There stood a kid of ten or so dressed in camo and carrying a knapsack. His dad was waiting at the street and we all laughed as I struggled to provide treats and keep Bess inside. That was our one and only trick-or-treater.

Imagine "trick or treating" on this street.
I don’t keep Halloween around when it’s over, so today I'm packing up the decorations in storage bins. Now, through the encouragement of fellow blogger Chris at the Last Resort, I will focus on a Thanksgiving theme, keeping Christmas in the background for a few weeks. But -- I have a list of Christmas "doins" from which I make choices. Time is growing short on the pre-Christmas schedule.
Halloween gives way to Thanksgiving.

So, this morning I’m cleaning the display stand – even the floor under it – and gathering my Thanksgiving / autumn decorations. And that’s a post for another day.

What about the Gilbert homestead, you ask? What is my alter ego Ina doing to get ready for her "skimpy Christmas." Oh, she's getting ready to get ready, as it were. More about her next month. KW


  1. Well, maybe I should state that I don't decorate for Halloween--I just decorate for fall/Thanksgiving and it's up from September until Thanksgiving. That way I don't decorate twice. :-) I do love this season!

    We haven't gotten any Trick or Treaters since we moved to this house--too far out of the way and no street lights and a steep hill. Since our kids are grown, I have to say I don't mind at all. We got hundreds at our old house and it seemed the night would never end. Does that mean I've gotten old? Probably!!

    I've got Christmas doin's in the back of my mind, too. They'd better be movin' to the front of it soon!

  2. Also forgot to say how cute those boots are! Love the fabric you used for the "socks."

  3. I have a few spooky things I use until Halloween along with some general autumn decorations, like pumpkins. When Halloween things are put away, I add Pilgrims and other Thanksgiving things to the pumpkins.

    The P.E.O. silent auction is in two weeks. It just doesn't seem possible. I have one special request project I need to complete. I don't think I'll have extras to take this year. And we didn't make elderberry jelly either. The berries looked dry and we didn't do it.

    I'm glad you like the "stocking" fabric. The gal at the cutting table in Jo-Ann's guessed what I was making when I presented the fabric, but when I got to it, I began to question if it was right. (As if there could be a wrong.)

  4. Ha! Those witches boots are funny. We didn't decorate the house for Halloween, but I did decorate my office at work. I put up some cob webs and spiders, lights, and a few decorations. I borrowed all of the decorations except the cob webs from my co-worker who raided clearance last year and then kept the decorations in the trunk of her car for a whole year.
