Sunday, December 20, 2015


The scene to the north of the yard
Saturday – a day like any other in the country. Plenty more snow had fallen -- the forecast for even more. Ina had been concerned for the little family traveling from Montana, but Ethel had called last night to say they would come by train and arrive on Monday. Her mind eased, Ina felt free to enjoy the snowy scenery and Christmas preparations.

What does the photographer see here?
The house was in readiness but Shirley checked the bedrooms again. She made sure the pitchers and bowls on the washstands were clean and laid out washcloths and towels. She located the extra hot water bottles in the linen closet so that beds could be warmed. However, anyone coming to the farmhouse in winter knew to bring items for his comfort, such as hot water bottles, sweaters, shawls, mittens, caps, heavy socks, perhaps a small blanket, etc.

And then Shirley went to the kitchen, stoked the fire, and set to making another batch of cookies. Baking warmed the house, and they could always use more cookies.

And Ina? Ina finally settled down to tackle clothes for the doll. Suddenly she saw the light! The nightgown pattern could also be a dress pattern! Not only that, but having made the nightgown, she knew just how to tweak the pattern for a better fit. So confident was Ina that she used one of her favorite prints to cut out the dress.

On and on she sewed – whir-a-whir-a-whir-a-whir. Doll dress after doll dress flew off the machine in record-breaking time. [Remember -- this is a story.] As daylight waned, Ina proudly showed half a dozen dresses, a pinafore, and a cape. [Imagination required here.]

Now she was ready to move on to other Christmas doings.

Sunday – Day 20
To the surprise of all, the minister arrived just in time to present the much-anticipated Christmas service. Ina was ready to hear again the familiar story of the birth of the Christ child – to be drawn back to the real reason for Christmas. And of course, it was always wonderful to sing with others the loved Christmas carols. The service also included several carol renditions sung by the literary club in which Shirley and Henry participated.

After dinner – roast chicken and vegetables – Ina sat quietly studying and pondering the Bible passages read by the minister. She was glad of the opportunity to put aside her preparations for this period of contemplation. In the evening, the little family of three sat quietly by the radio and listened to several programs of Christmas music and readings. "How wonderful," thought Ina, "to be able to hear such wonderful programs from far away."  She felt warmly included in the Christmas message. KW

1 comment:

  1. Cute dress! And I totally imagine the doll dresses flying off the machine in record-breaking time. (Around here we call it speeded up movie mode and it causes all kinds of frustration when we can't sew entire quilts in half an hour, or remodel a bathroom in fifteen minutes. LOL)

    And I applaud Ina for spending contemplative time and remembering the true reason for Christmas! It does put things into perspective.
